Special Chapter : EarthMix

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Rendezvous Love in Thailand

IN the heart of Thailand, there lived a man named Earth, whose heart was as vast as his name implied. Alongside him was his partner, Mix, a man with a soul as vibrant as the colours of the Thai sunset. Together, they were a loving couple who shared a beautiful life with their three children: Sommai, the curious and lively 3-year-old boy, Somporn, the mischievous and adventurous 5-year-old boy, and Edin, the gentle and caring 7-year-old girl.

In their cozy home nestled amidst lush greenery, Earth and Mix revelled in the joys and challenges of parenthood. Each day was a unique blend of laughter, learning, and love. With Earth's steady job as a lawyer and Mix's passion for painting after many years Earth stop Mix from working with him, they managed their time with grace, ensuring their children received the best of their attention.

One sunny morning, Earth was in the kitchen, preparing breakfast for the family. The aroma of freshly brewed Thai tea filled the air as Mix danced into the room with Edin by his side.

"Good morning, Daddy!" Edin greeted, her eyes shining like stars in the morning sky.

"Good morning, my little princess," Earth smiled warmly, ruffling her hair affectionately. "Are you excited for school today?"

Edin nodded enthusiastically, clutching her favourite drawing book. "Yes, I want to show my friends the new painting Papa taught me last night."

Meanwhile, Sommai and Somporn, the two brothers, were chasing each other around the house, laughter echoing through the rooms.

"Boys, let's not break anything," Mix called out, playfully pretending to be stern.

As the day progressed, Earth and Mix embraced the roles of teacher, playmate, and guardian. Earth would take Sommai to his playgroup while Mix took Edin to school. Somporn would often tag along, curious to explore new adventures.

In the afternoons, Earth would return to a house filled with giggles and chatter, his heart swelling with pride at the sight of his children thriving under Mix's care. They spent their afternoons doing creative activities, making colourful crafts and sometimes simply basking in each other's company.

One evening, as the sun began to set, the family gathered in the garden. The sky was a canvas of pink and orange, mirroring Mix's vibrant paintings adorning their walls.

"Daddy, look!" Somporn exclaimed, pointing at the sky. "It's like the colours of Papa's art!"

Earth smiled, his heart touched by his son's observation. "You're right, my boy. Papa's paintings are just as beautiful as the sunset."

Mix wrapped his arms around Earth, leaning his head on his shoulder. "And you're the one who brings the colours into our lives, Earth. I don't know what we would do without you."

He turned to him, his eyes brimming with love. "And I don't know what I would do without you, Love. You are the melody in my life, the one who completes me."

The children looked on, their young hearts absorbing the warmth of their parent's affection.

"Daddy, do you love Papa Mix?" Sommai asked innocently, his big brown eyes filled with curiosity.

Earth chuckled, scooping the little boy into his arms. "Oh, my boy, I love Papa Mix more than words can say. He's the beating of my heart."

Mix's eyes twinkled as he gazed at Earth. "And I love Daddy more than the stars in the sky. He's the anchor that keeps me steady."

With the Thai twilight enveloping them, the family basked in the love that bound them together. The whispers of "I love you" filled the air, as Earth and Mix exchanged glances that spoke a thousand unspoken words.

At that moment, they knew that their love was not just for themselves but for the little souls they had brought into this world. Together, as a family, they would continue to embrace the joys and challenges, savouring every moment and cherishing the bond that was stronger than anything else—love.

And so, the sunset on the horizon of their lives, but their love shone brighter than ever, casting a warm and eternal glow over the hearts of Earth, Mix, and their precious children.

From that day on, the Thai sunset held an even more profound meaning for the family, for it was a reminder of the love that coloured their world—a love that would continue to grow, nurture, and unite them as a family, forever.

A/N: I am not sure about Earth and Mix's cat's gender hehe. Thank you for reading my story. If you have any questions in your mind, feel free to comment on it and I will answer it. Thank you 😊.


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