Some coffee, Princess?

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Ella hated getting up early, but she had a date with Lord Hunter. She was more excited than she thought she would be, but there was a knot in her stomach. Now she would partake in his customs, and she had to be careful not to mess up. She had done it countless of times, met with foreign royals and took part in their rituals, but she usually had an insight into the beforehand. Now she didn't, but she knew Kava wouldn't do anything to humiliate her on purpose.

It was still right before dawn, so she had her heavy coat on, sitting on Swiss Cheese and slowly marching towards the tundrians. Kava was sitting straight on his huge horse, two more hunters on his smaller horses behind him. He looked majestic. Ella made her horse go faster, making the four servants behind her hasten their horses as well.

"Hello, Kava— Kave'le'aha!" She exclaimed happily, recalling in time that he hadn't told the princess his shortened name. He turned his horse towards her. "Lovely day we're having. Although it is a little early."

She stifled a yawn. Kava smiled.

"There is no better hour to hunt." He said warmly. He seemed more in his element than during the tea party. "Let us proceed. I found a fine spot for our date."

She evened her horse with his, letting him lead them through the palace grounds.

"You had to get up early today to find a spot."

"What makes you think I didn't go yesterday afternoon?"

Because he spent the whole rest of his day with Rose, but she couldn't say that.

"I've seen you enter the stables yesterday, and then leave late. I assumed you spent the time pampering your horse."

"Hm." He huffed out. "Yes, I did go today morning to find a spot. I got up two hours ago."

"Just like me. The difference is that I spent an hour getting dressed, and then another hour having my make up put on."

"Seems like a chore."

"It is."

Kava led them to the other side of the park, where a tiny grassy hill was. It had park trees dividing it from the palace, and a view on many fields below. They were blooming with various plants. It was still quite dark, but the sun was starting to illuminate the higher points lazily.

"The view of the sunrise will be great from over here. I would love to drink coffee with you here."

"Of course. It seems lovely."

He set down a thick blanket, not one of theirs. He must have gotten it all the way from Great Tundra. He sat cross legged on one side, gesturing her to do the same.

Now this would be a problem. She was wearing an enormous dress which would make sitting on the ground near impossible. She huffed in irritation, moving the dress waves and stepping in place.

"Would you like me to help you?" Kava asked, alarmed. He clearly hadn't anticipated this problem.

"Not really." She murmured, fighting with the dress. "This is ridiculous. Junia! Paula! Come take the supports out of the dress!"

"M— my lady?" Junia said to ensure she heard correctly. Ella nodded with determination.

"Lord Hunter, be a dear and turn around for a few minutes."

Kava did as asked, waiting as two servants dove under her dress, taking the frame from it. Now the dress was way too long, but at least she could move. She sat down on the blanket,

"Thank you, Lord Hunter. You might look again."

He turned. He was clearly amused, but busied himself with taking out various dishes from a travel bag. He put a simple mug in front of her. She picked one up.

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