A Proper Date

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This time she was first, once again with three servants in tow. She was waiting anxiously by the stairs, nervous about what state Kava would be in.

He arrived after a few minutes. He was sitting boisterously on Rex, but she could see that he was paler than before, holding himself carefully. She wouldn't have spotted it if she hadn't known.

"Lovely day for a hunt, is it not?" She greeted him with a smile. He stopped his horse, bewildered.

She was wearing the tundrains garments he had given her. It took her servants some time to get it right, but she felt comfortable in the leathers and furs. Unfortunately she also had makeup and an intricate hairdo, but at least it should help with Kava recognizing her as Rose.

"It is." Kava nodded. "How are you finding the tundrian garments, princess?"

"Very comfortable. And very lovely. Thank you for the gift."

He nodded, pleased. It was a good choice to wear it today.

"I missed your presence yesterday, Lord Hunter. Is everything alright?"

"Yes." He made an unconscious move to touch the side of his stomach. That's where the gash had to be. "I was wounded during a hunt the previous day, and I was asked to rest so that it could heal."

"Oh my. Are you better now?"

"Yes, much. I've had worse."

"I can imagine. What did you plan for today for us, Lord Hunter?"

He moved his horse to go evenly with her. The servants followed them.

"I was hoping we could spend the entire day together. I have brought breakfast with us, and we can have a picnic at the start of the day. Then we could go for a ride, or some light hunt if you'd fancy. I'd like to spend the day outside."

"That sounds lovely." Ella nodded. "But will you be fine with a hunt if you're wounded?"

Kava narrowed his eyes just a bit, and she immediately knew that was another faux pas.

"Of course." He scoffed. "It was just a small wound. Let us proceed."

He directed their horses towards a small lake on the castle grounds.There was a table there, which her servants and the hunters quickly set. The hunters' moves were hasty, and when done they set up a blanket for themselves again, but much closer than before, observing them with intensity instead of the levity they usually exuded.

It was making Ella nervous, but she knew why they were doing it.

She gestured for her servants to go join the hunters again as she sat down by the table opposite Lord Hunter.

Kava's eyes were slightly sunken, but he attempted to smile when she looked up at him. The breakfast consisted of Brivish sweet foods, and there even was tea provided. Ella didn't like that very much. She would rather try something from Great Tundra, but she couldn't mess anything up today.

"It's very lovely, Kava, but..." She started. His eyes became worried. "Did you perhaps take that "coffee" with you again? I wanted to try it once more."

Kava tilted his head, indicating curiosity.

"I do have it with me, but... I was under the impression you didn't really like it." He said carefully.

"As you said, it's an acquired taste. That means I have to drink it to acquire it."

Kava looked surprised but nodded. His eyes flickered with warmth for a moment. That was a score for her.

He prepared the coffee and the aroma filled the air. She confidently reached for the cinnamon box, not realizing Kava was doing the same. Their hands met.

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