Engagement Party, Revisited

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After a week Ella knew nothing more about her new future lord husband. Laem spent a lot of time with the kings, so they barely had any time together. Any dates he did with Ella were short and he wouldn't ask her anything. He would talk a lot, but mostly about himself and the hunt. Ella didn't feel like calling him by his name, but she had to. He was arrogant and full of himself.

Ella knew she wouldn't love him, because her heart was already full. Whenever she spotted Kava her mood would get much better, her worries would go away. They would drink tea and eat meals together, and when she was Rose they would ride around or hunt.

At one point Ella would have been glad to fulfil her duty as the king's daughter and marry to keep peace, but it all changed because of Kava.

She told nobody, but she was anxious about the engagement party.

Now as it was happening, she was feeling even worse, feeling like she was going to throw up behind a tree that was her haven.

"I can't do this." She spat into the leaves of a fig tree. "I can't."

It was Kava who found her, once again. She crouched by Ella with worried eyes, a rough hand being placed gently on her back. The touch grounded her. She could breathe a little easier.

"Ella." Kava breathed out. "What's going on? Should I call a medic?"

"No! Please don't." Ella said, trying to get a grip. "I'm just... I'm just scared."

"Don't be. Laem is full of himself, but he won't abuse you. My guess is that as soon as you two get married and have a child he'll just leave for a Great Tundra and leave you alone." Kava attempted to console her. "He'll be a nice husband."

"But I don't want to marry him."

" You weren't so anxious during our engagement party." The huntress attempted to joke. "You got to practice with me, now just do the same. Without the part where your father finds out your future husband is actually a woman and calls the whole thing off."

Ella laughed weakly.

It should have been you, Kava, she couldn't say. It still should be you.

"I think this time they talked about everything beforehand. My father probably made Laem show him his dick."

Kava gasped in pretend indignation, then laughed.

"You can do it. It's just a few more hours and you'll have your fiancé. This time really."

"I... I don't want to."

Kava furrowed her brow.

"Why not?"

"I'm scared." Because he's not you, she couldn't choke out. "Could you... Could you hold me? Just for a moment."

She wanted to know how it felt.

Kava didn't hesitate, pulling her close. Ella sunk into her, grabbing the black fur and breathing in deeply. She was close, their body warmth tangling together. Kava's heart was strong. Ella's own calmed down to match it.

"I feel like I'm hugging a wolf. A very fluffy wolf."

Kava chuckled gently to not move too much.

"Oh really?" She teased.

"Now your turn. Compliment how good it is to hug me."

"So that was a compliment?!"

Ella laughed into the fur. The bells sounded around the courtyard.

"Hugging you feels like a guilty pleasure." Kava whispered. " I know I really should let you go, but I can't bring myself to."

Ella's heart started hammering. The bells rang again.

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