Doctor's Orders

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It was becoming increasingly harder to not admit to Kava that she was Rose. Now that they were laying in the hay again, and Kava was giggling while telling her how well the date went, Ella could only think about how different it would all be if he knew who she was. He could still find out, and then he'd never trust her again. She had to make sure Rose would just disappear from his life when they were married, which wouldn't be too hard since they would be moving.

Except she didn't want that. She loved how free Kava seemed with her. He wasn't afraid of breaking any customs, because she just laughed along with him, and he wasn't scared of her finding out about his sickness, since she already knew and didn't judge him.

"Hey, Rose?"

"Hm?" She asked quickly. "I'm listening."

He laughed at that. He had a beautiful laugh.

"No, you're not. But that's okay, I've been talking your ear off today."

"I like it when you talk. I enjoy listening."

He fell silent for a moment.

"I was thinking about something, Rose." He said quietly. "After the wedding, when me and the princess go to live in the palace by the border... I would like you to come as well."

"What?" She raised herself up to look at him properly.

"It would be weird for me to be friends with a servant living in another city, but if you moved with me and worked in our stables, being friends would be acceptable. What do you think?"

Oh. That's why he was asking her today about the friendships with servants. She hadn't realised what it was about back then, but now it made sense.


"Is it about money? I don't know how it works here, but I'm sure I could pay you... or buy you? You wouldn't need to worry. I would make sure you wouldn't lack anything."

"I can't." She cut shortly.

"You... don't want to?"

He looked sad, like a lost puppy.

"No, I would, but..." But I'm Ella. Just say it out loud. I'll go with you, but not as a servant, because I'm Ella. I'll be your wife. "I have duties I can't escape. You understand the need that comes with duties, do you not?"

He nodded.

"I do, but I was hoping... You're my only friend from Brivania, Rose. The only honest person I can turn to."

That hurt. She was lying about everything.

"You have the princess as well."

"It's different. I can't talk to her about the things I tell you. Just... think about my proposition. If you change your mind... I would be delighted."

She said nothing at that. She couldn't. Rose had to disappear from his life.

"Do you remember your promise, Kava?" She asked instead. "The wedding is soon."

He squeezed the wolf hide, biting his lip.

"I do."

"When are you planning to tell her? You said it was all going well, so maybe soon would be the time?"

"Not yet. Exactly because it's going well, I can't ruin it now. But I will tell her before the wedding. I promised you."

"You're just going to stress out more. If you tell her sooner, you won't need to worry so much."

"I can't." He tugged at the fur more. "I enjoy her presence. This could ruin everything.

"It won't."

"I'll tell her later. Before the wedding, I promise. As soon as she gets to know me better."

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