Chapter 7

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Y/n's Pov

When I opened my eyes, I was in an unfamiliar room. I panicked for a second before I remembered the night before.

'So I'm probably in their room.'

I got up and noticed the letter on the nightstand. I read it and then realized how hungry I was. But I remembered what happened the day before.

'I'll just skip breakfast and then eat lunch.'

I then looked over to the charging station to see that Sun/Moon would be done charging in about 12 minutes.
I walked out of the room and went to the bathroom. After doing my business, I washed up. I found a spare tooth brush and paste and brushed my teeth. I left the bathroom and walked to my desk to grab my hair brush out of my bag. After brushing my hair, I went back to their room. I looked around and noticed all of the kid's drawings on the walls.

'It's cute that he keeps all of them. He's so good with the kids. Then again, he is programmed to handle kids, but still, he adds his own personal touch to it, and the kids love him... and so do I... but he's a robot.'

I turned around when I heard a sound coming from the charging station. Then Sun walked out and looked at me.

"Hey Sunny!"

Suddenly, he hugged me. I hugged him back, I was confused but wouldn't refuse a hug. He pulled away and looked at me.

"Are you okay, Sunny?"

"Yes, I'm fine, Sunshine. How about you? You were crying!"

'Oh yeah, I forgot that they can see through each other's eyes. Should I tell him why? I mean, it wouldn't hurt, I haven't really told anyone. Not even my brother knows.'

"I'm fine. I just don't like the dark. I had a bad experience in the dark, so I was just having some flashbacks. But don't worry, I'm fine now, Moon definitely helped."

"Oh? Would you like to talk about the bad experience? Sometimes, it helps to talk about it!"

He smiled at me and hugged me again.
I hugged him back and sighed.

"Yea... when I was 13, I got lost in a dark alley at night, and I almost got sexually assaulted. Luckily, I got away in time, but I've been scared of the dark ever since. I know it's probably stupid to be an adult and me scared of the dark bu -"


He sounded angry. Sun never gets angry, so it kinda scared me. I just hugged him tighter. He hugged me back and started to rub circles on my back. I didn't notice it, but I had started crying again.

"I'm sorry for yelling, Sunshine. I just got mad that that happened to you. You should know that if you ever need to talk to someone, I'm right here, okay? I'll never judge you or say anything you tell me is stupid."

"Thank you, Sun. I really appreciate it."

I let go of the hug and looked up at Sunny. He stopped hugging me but held both of my hands in his.

"Moon wants to talk to you. Do you want to talk to him?"

'I wonder what Moon wants to tell me? Hopefully, he's not mad about something.'


I watched as Sun let go of my hands and walked over to the light switch. He flipped the switch, and slowly Moon appeared. He walked over to me and gave me a hug. I hugged him back.

"Can I show you something starshine?"

'A nickname? That's cute. I think I should give Moon one since Sunny has one... What about Moony? Sure! It goes with Sunny!'


He took my hand, and we walked out of the room. We walked to the corner of the room, and he attached something to his back and then picked me up.

"Are you afraid of heights?"

"Yes. Yes, I am... why?"

"You're gonna want to hold on."

I'd didn't know what was happening, so I put my arms around his neck and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Whatever you do, don't look down."

'You don't have to tell me twice!'

I quickly closed my eyes as I felt Moon lift off of the floor. I soon felt Moon touch the floor. I open my eyes to see a room that has pillows and blankets everywhere, including some bean bags and plushies.

"Woah, this place is so cool!"

"Yeah, this was built for employees to come hang out after their shift. But you're the only employee, so you get this all to yourself."

"Really? Wow, this is awesome."

I continued to look around for a little bit before sitting on one of the beanbags. Them I realized I didn't have my phone, so I asked Moon if he could go down and get it. Moments later, he came back and handed me my phone. I opened it to see 5 missed calls from my brother. I quickly called him back.

Yn- Hey, sorry I missed your calls. I didn't have my ph-

B- Hey, are you okay?

Yn- what? Yeah, I'm fine. Why?

B- Sorry, I was just worried since you weren't answering your phone. You're always on your phone, so you never miss calls.

Yn- You know I got a new job, right? I work at the Pizza Plex a few blocks from my apartment.

B- yeah, I know. They're paying you enough, right? Or do you need money? I can give you some if you want -

Yn-b/n b/n! I don't need any money, I promise! I got enough to pay bills and have some leftovers. I don't need any of your money. You're just as broke as I am.

B- I know, but remember, if you ever need me, I'm just a phone call away, okay?

Yn- Yes, trust me, I know. If I ever need anything I'll call you.

B- Okay, good.

Yn- Bye! I love you!

B- Bye! I love you too!

*Call ended*

I looked over to see Moon just staring at me.

"Are you okay, Moony?"

He took a second to respond, but he seemed almost... upset?

"Yeah, I'm fine. Who were you calling?"

"Oh, that was just my brother. He was just making sure I was alright. I haven't called him in a while and he lives in a different"

I looked down at my phone. It was 4:12 am.

'I should probably go back to sleep so I can wake up on time for work.'

"Well, can I sleep up here? I don't want to be too tired for work in the morning."

"Yes, you may sleep up here. Would you like me to stay?"

"Yes, please."

It was still pretty dark, and I wanted Moon there in case I have an attack.
I went over to one of the bean bags and put some pillows around it. I layed down and pulled the blankets up. It was actually really comfortable for a bean bag. It was really big, though, so it was like half of a bed. Moon sat down next to me on the floor. He played with my hair until I fell asleep.

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