Chapter 14

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I stared at him, still surprised. He was still in his normal outfit, except that it fit his human body, which isn't as tall or skinny as his robot form. He's probably about 6'5, jet black hair, red eyes, two toned skin, and his jester outfit.

"What? Are you okay?"

"Yeah... I'm just very shocked... and surprised..."

"Yup. I kind of expected that. You're shocked in a good way, though, right?"

"Um, yes. In a good way."

I nodded slowly, getting a grip on the situation. Once i calmed down and understood that he was actually a human-a hot one at that lol- I asked him some questions.

"So, you can feel human emotions and pain?"

"Yes. And pain, in fact, does hurt."

I laughed at his slightly sarcastic remark.

"Okay, so back to the question I asked you beforehand."
He said.

"The love one?"

"Yes. Would you love a robot if they could become a human."

"Well... it depends. Like I said earlier. What robot are we talking about here."

"Me and Sun."

"Do you like me?"

"What would you say if I said yes?"

"I don't know. You would have to say it."

He took a deep breath and sighed, closing his eyes. He looked back up at me.


I blushed. I never actually thought that he would say yes. What do I say to that? I guess I'm just supposed to tell him. Idk...

"Um... I like you too..."

I looked down and put my head in my hands. I was probably as red as a tomato at this point.

He laughed, and I looked up at him, confused.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Nothing, it's just that all this time, it was that easy."

I laughed with him, both of us holding our stomachs from the laughter. It honestly wasn't that funny, but I guess we both needed a good laugh. Once we calmed down, he looked at me, and I looked at him. I lent forward and kissed him. His lips were softer than expected, and they felt perfect against mine. He kissed back, his hand reaching up to touch my cheek. I broke the kiss, and we smiled at each other.

"I think Sun wants to come out."

I stepped back as he turned the lights back on, turning back into Sun. He was blonde, blue eyes, perfect smile, and in his yellow jester outfut.

He smiled, probably the brightest smile I've ever seen, and I smiled back.

"Hey, Sun."

"Hey, Sunshine."

He stepped forward and kissed me, and once again, I was a tomato. I kissed back as he held my hands. He broke the kiss and looked me in my eyes.

"I love you."

"I love you more."

"Not possible, Sunshine."
He smiled and kissed me again. I smiled back, into the kiss.

. . .

   I guess this is my happy ending. I know it's cringey, but whatever. We got married and quite literally rode off into the sunset together. It's the happiest I've been in a long time. If I had to give credit to one thing for making this happen, it'd be my broke ass. If I had money, I wouldn't have been looking for a job, and I wouldn't have applied at the Plex. I can't even imagine what I would be doing right now if that was the case.

    Sun and Moon have got to be the best guys I've met by far, though, even if they are practically robotic animatronics. But we make it work. Anyway, I love them, and they love me too. That's all that matters in the end, right?

This is the end of this book. I may or may not make a second book, but probably not. Thank you so much for reading this. I'm sorry if the end was bad, I'm currently working on a other book (which isn't even related to this fandom) and I'm spending a lot of my time on it, and school. Again, thank you so, so much. ❤️

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