Chapter 12

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I love that picture so much 🤣 I think it matches their energy perfectly! (Credit to the owner!) Also, I have a feeling that Sun would have separation anxiety, so there will be a bit of that in this chapter, and maybe a few others. (Not severe separation anxiety, just like a little bit.) It's also going to mostly be Sun's Pov in this one.

Sundrop's Pov

I watched as Monty lay down on the table. Y/n grabbed a few things before heading back to Monty to take a look at his leg. She looked around with a flashlight for a bit before picking up a screw driver.

"Ahah! It looks like you just have a few loose screws in your knee cap area."

Monty didn't have to be powered off for this since it was just a miner 'injury'. So it wouldn't hurt, but he could still feel it. ( The animatronics gave sensors so they can be aware of their surroundings in case there are small children nearby. So they can feel just about anything)

"That makes sense, I guess. Luckily, it wasn't something worse."

"Yeah, animatronic parts can be expensive, especially if you have to replace a whole limb. But fortunately for you, it was just a couple screws.... and .... Done!"

Y/n stood straight up and put her hands on her hips with a smile. Monty sat up and looked down at his leg as he flexed it.

"Thanks, sweets!"

I don't know why, but I didn't like the nickname given to her from Monty. It reminded me of the nicknames I heard the teenagers using for their partners. Y/n and Monty weren't dating, so it was a little weird, but that's Monty for ya - weird and flirtatious. I was happy that they were finally done. I checked my internal clock to see that about thirty minutes had passed. It was 3:04, which meant that it was 5 hours until opening. ( The Pizza Plex opens at 8).

"No problem, Monty!"

She sent him a smile and a thumbs up. I watched as Monty walked out the door to leave. To be honest, I was happy he was leaving, but I couldn't figure out why, and why was I feeling like this? But only with Y/n? I'm so confused...

M: it's because u like her idiot.

S: What?

M: u like Y/n, right? I know all of your thoughts, so you can't lie to me.

S: Umm... Oh, dang it, I really can't lie to u, can I?

M: Nope. But it's ok. I like her too.

S: I guess. Wait.. what! U like her, too?

M: duh, why wouldn't I? We r literally almost the same person. And she's perfect.

S: But she probably doesn't like us! What if she only likes one of us? What do we do if she does like both of us? What if she doesn't want to be friends anymore? What-

M: Shut up! U know she wouldn't do that. And we should probably tell her that we like her soon.

S: Why? And we're animatronics! She's human!

M: Did u forget that we can become human, too? Remember that upgrade we were given a couple of years ago?

( they gave a few of the animatronics an upgrade to where they can become human-like so as not to scare kids as much, but they ended up abandoning the project. They can't really become human, but they can look and feel like them. It is basically an illusion. The animatronics have a button for that, but only they can trigger it.)

S: Oh! I forgot about that!

M: Of course you did.

S: Wait, so that means we might actually have a chance?

M: Probably not, but yeah, kinda.

S: What d-

Out of Sun's thoughts

"Sun? Hello?"

"Huh? Do you need something sunshine?"

"Uh well, no, but you've kinda just been staring off into space. It's also time for us to go back to the daycare."

"Oh, okay!"

I checked my internal clock to see that it is 3:26. I followed Y/n out of the room and to the elevator. (Idk what the layout is of the Pizza plex, so don't really mind it if I get it wrong) The elevator played the elevator music it normally does as we ascend. Once we reach the first floor, the elevator stops. The doors open, and we walk out into the plaza.

I kept thinking about what Moon said as we walked back to the daycare.

'Maybe I should show her that we can become human. Then maybe she'll give us a chance!'

I didn't hear Moon object, so I decided that oce get back, that I was gonna tell Y/n. After we walked through the daycare doors, Y/n walked over to the security desk and sat down in the chair.

"I'm just gonna work on some paperwork, okay?

"Can I show you something first?"

She looked up at me with a confused look on her face before nodding her head.

"As long as it doesn't take too long, yeah. What is it?"

I walked behind her as her eyes followed me. I was a little nervous but was definitely way more excited. I stood behind her chair and put my hands over her eyes.

"Close your eyes!"

She smiled for a second and put her hands over her eyes once I took mine off. I walked around to the front of the desk and pressed the button. Once I was fully ready, I lightly took Y/n's ha ds off of her eyes. She slowly opened her eyes and looked up at me with a very confused expression.

Y/n's Pov

When I opened my eyes I expected to see Sun. Instead I saw a boy with dirty blonde hair standing in front of me holding my hands. I was very confused and honestly a little scared. Who is he? Why is he here? Where is Sun? I think he noticed i was sonfused because he started to explain.

"Its me! Sun! Im human see! Its sonething that some of the animatronics can do! Its cool is it not?"

'Huh? So youre telling me that thats Sun? Hes human? Im so confused.... but i guess that does make sense. I heard the biss saying something about a safety mechanism like that.'

"Uh yeah thats acually really cool... so, youre like actually human?"

"Not really, but i kind of am! I mean i look, feel, and sound like a human. Except im not actually human!"


I still dont really understand, but it doesnt have to make sense for it to be really cool. He let go of my hands and pulled me into a hug. I hugged back and sighed. I realized that i was in fact very tired. Im pretty sure that if it wasnt for all of the excitement that u wouldve passed out by now. And Suns embrace was so comfortable....

Sun's Pov

I suddenly felt Y/n fall limp in my arms. I was concerned before realizing that she was just sleeping. I thought about it for a moment before concluding that it had been about 23 hours since Y/n had slept! I walked over and turned off the light switch. Luckily we could still switch in human form.

Moon's Pov

Once we fully switched i went over to the tower stairs and proceeded to walk up to the tower. Once we got to the room, i layed Y/n down on one of the matresses and place a pillow under her head. I layed down next to her and pulled up the blanket. It was still pretty cold in the Plex, and the animatronics didnt really need heaters since they had internal ones. I hugged her from behind and put my head on her shoulder. She wouldnt mind right? Nah.

. . .

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