Chapter 9

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Time skip ~♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡~
One week later (Monday)

Y/n's Pov

My boss gave me the day off today. I guess since it was almost the holidays, he wanted to give me a break, so I decided to take a trip around the Pizza Plex and play some of the games.

'I also haven't talked to the famous four in a while, so I should go see them.'

I thought as I was getting ready. I put on a casual and comfy outfit and then did my hair like usual. After all of that, I finally arrived at my destination. I walked through the doors and took in the smell of pizza and candy. It wasn't really packed since it was midday on a Monday, but there were still a few people everywhere you looked.

'I really should walk around more on my break. This place is cool as fuck. All of the neon lights can become a pain after staring at them for too long, though.'

I walked over to the arcade and played a few games before going to buy something with my tickets. I ended up getting a Plush of Sun/Moon. It was half-and-half. It made me think of them...

'SHIT! I forgot to tell them I wasn't coming to work today!'

I quickly walked over to the daycare doors and went inside. Just as I walked in, I was instantly engulfed in a hug. I hugged back and looked up to see a very upset looking Sun.

'Is it normal for him to go through mood swings, or does he just randomly seem upset with everything I do?'

"Sorry I forgot to tell you I got the day off. Are you okay?"

He looked down at me, and i looked up at him. He looked relieved.

'Did I do something wrong? Did I say something? Was I being rude? Is he okay?'

"Sorry! You go enjoy your day off! Of course I'm okay. I was just worried about you.

He sounded almost disappointed as he walked off to go back to playing with the kids. I was confused and concerned, so I just went and sat at my desk. I noticed that when i sat down Sun looked a little happier. I went on my phone and played some games to pass the time. Until I got a phone call from my brother. That was one time out of like thirty that Sun glanced at me the entire time.


"Hey... I just wanted to tell you that I won't be able to come over for C8hristmas again... I'm sorry, but you know how work gets arou- "

"No. It's okay. I expected this to happen anyway. I'll mail you your Christmas gift again. I love you. Bye."

"Wai- "

*Call ended*

I ended the call with tears in my eyes. I expected this, so why am I crying? It's been the same for the past 3 years.

'I'll just take a walk to clear my head.'

I walked out of the daycare without looking back. Sun probably wouldn't care anyway. I was walking when suddenly I walked into something.

"Oh! I'm so sorry. I re- ... Freddy?"

"Hey, superstar! Are you okay? You look like you're about to cry... "

"I'm fine. I'm just having a bad day today."

"Do you want to come to my room and talk about it?"

"Sure. But don't you have work to do?"

"That can wait for now."


I grabbed his hand, and he led me to his toom. Once we got inside, we sat down. I sat on a stool while Freddy sat on his chair.

"So.... what's wrong, superstar?"

I thought about what I should say first and whether I should tell him every detail or not. I decided to give some details but not every little thing.

"My brother can't come for Christmas for the 4th year in a row, and I don't have anybody else to celebrate with, and I'm over all just feeling depressed and I don't know why."

Freddy looked away for a moment before turning back to me.

"Well, i don't know how to fix your problem, but I might know a way i can help."

"Okay, what is it?""

"I know you may not have any biological family here to celebrate with, but you can have Christmas with us if you would like. I think the group has really grown fond of you and would be more than happy to let you celebrate with us."

"Really? You guys would do that for me?"

"Of course! We're all family here!"

I hugged Freddy, and he hugged back. I think I really just needed someone to talk to. Or maybe I just really needed a hug, but I felt a lot better after talking to Freddy. After I left, I decided to go hang out with Chica. I went to her room and knocked on the door. She opened it and welcomed me in. We had fun talking and doing random stuff. We also ate food, so that was good too.

Time skip ~♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇~

I had just left Chica's room, and I was feeling a whole lot better. I was very lucky to have the group. They were like my family, and I loved them a lot. The Pizza Plex was starting to feel like home.

'I guess I should probably go and see Sun now... I hope he isn't mad that i left so abruptly."

I thought as I walked towards the daycare. Once I reached the door, I took a deep breath and pushed open the doors. It was pitch black. I tried to go back through the doors, but they were locked.

'What the fuck is going on? Where is Sun-er Moon? Why is it so dark? What do I do? Why are the doors locked? Where do I go?'

I looked around trying to figure out what was going on but I couldn't find anything.

"Moon? Where are you? Why are the lights off in here?"

I was trying my hardest trying not to panic but it was just getting worse. I walked around slowly trying to find my desk but I was lost. Then I remembered my phone. I pulled it out and turned on the flash light. I pointed my phone around to see that I was in the middle of the daycare. I walked towards the light switch and flipped the lights on. I turned off my phone, instantly feeling more relieved... but one question still lingered in my mind...

Where is Moon/Sun?

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