Chapter Nine

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The sound of Billy shouting Jakes name startled me awake and I shot up in bed looking around for him. I was alone in his bed still naked from the night before and terribly confused. Jumping out of bed I quickly pulled my clothes on and made my way to the kitchen where I found him sitting at the open door still shouting his name.

"Billy what's going on?"

My sudden question startled him and he turned to look at me wheeling himself back inside, I could tell immediately from the look on his face that something wasn't right.

"Natalie, he's- uh-"

His voice was shaky and he was practically at a loss for words which made me begin to panic

"Billy where's Jacob?"

I watched as the old man sighed and wheeled himself closer

"He's gone Natalie, he took off but I'm sure he's just blowing off some steam. He'll be back soon"

Why on earth would he take off? Was it because of last night? Did I do something wrong? Billy obviously sensed my internal crisis and grasped my hand, it was then I noticed the the square of fancy white paper in his lap. He handed it to me and as I read it my heart sank

"He ran because of this?"

It was an invitation, a wedding invitation to be exact. Bella and Edwards wedding invitation. But why would he take off? I thought he'd moved past all that and gotten over her.

"Don't give it too much thought Nat, he's probably just gone to pay them a visit to offer his congratulations"

As much as I wanted to believe Billy I couldn't help the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"I guess I'll take a shower and hang around until he gets back"

I stated as I headed for Jakes room. I couldn't understand why he'd take off, especially after last night. We'd finally taken the next step in our relationship and at the first mention of Bella he disappears.


By nightfall I knew he was long gone, I could feel it. The ache that had settled in my chest told me that he was far away from La Push.

"He's phased but we can't hear him, he's too far away and somehow managed to block us from his thoughts"

Leah explained as she lay down beside me on my bed. The pack had been out searching for hours and Billy had called the Cullens and Charlie Swan but so far there was no sign of him. To say I was upset would be an understatement, I was devastated and so hurt. I just prayed that he would come home soon.


Jacob had been gone two weeks and the ache in my chest had spread, my whole body felt as if it were throbbing constantly as our separation grew longer, surely he could feel it too?

"Nat come on you gotta eat"

I buried my face further into the blanket as Paul sat down beside me, every morning I'd head to Jacobs to see if he was back and upon each dissapointed visit I'd end up in his bed sleeping the day away while Rachel and Paul tried their best to get me up and motivated, I could barely stomach food and my energy just felt drained all the time. I hated feeling like this and I began to resent Jacob and the imprint for causing me so much pain.

"Paul I'm fine"

I groaned, it was the same thing every day. He or Rachel would bring me food which I'd turn down then they'd leave me alone until I left

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