Chapter Eleven

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"Jake where are you?"

I dashed through the trees chasing after the russett coloured tail that so far kept eluding me

"Jake come out, I give up okay you win"

Suddenly the wind began to pick up and howl and the sky turned a dark shade of grey


Panicking I began to run faster pushing past low branches and trees, something felt wrong and I needed to find Jacob

"Jake please you're scaring me"

Suddenly there he was standing in a clearing glaring at me. I stopped in my tracks as his expression grew angrier.

"Why are you looking for me? Don't you get it, I don't want you or didn't I make it clear enough when I ran away from you"

I could feel my heart shatter into a million pieces as his words cut me like a knife

"You will never be Bella, she will always be better than you. I will always want her, not you"

His voice was full of malice and hatred and with every word I could feel my body giving up on me.

"Please Jake you don't mean that"

Suddenly the trees around me began to blur and change and I found myself standing at the edge of a cliff looking down at the pounding waves as they crashed against the jagged rocks below. My heart felt like it was about to jump out of my chest as Jacobs words kept replaying over and over in my head.


I whipped my head around at the sound of Bellas voice. She stood there with Jacob at her side and a smirk on her face

"Jump Natalie. You may as well. It's not like your wanted"

My heart broke in my chest as I watched Jacob pulled her into his arns and kissed her. As he looked back at me he laughed out loud

"Just jump Nat! You'd be doing us all a favour"

Looking back down to waves below I almost jumped in fright when Jacob appeared behind me pressing his lips against my ear.

"Bye Nat"

And then he pushed me.....


Leah Clearwater

"Jacob you need to leave! Haven't you done enough"

I stood in front of him blocking the entrance to my house, he'd followed us back from first beach and now he was trying to get inside to Nat who was asleep in my bed.

"Leah you can't keep her from me, she's my imprint"

As soon as the words left his mouth I wanted to smack him so hard. He didn't deserve an imprint an especially not one as amazing as my cousin.

"You could have fooled me"

I seethed as I pushed him back for the tenth time. Paul chose that moment to step in and seperate us as we both began to shake.

"Look Jacob you can't just turn up and start demanding things you don't deserve. You need to see what damage you caused with your little disappearing act"

Jacob gave him a puzzled look but after a few seconds realization hit him and he backed off and headed for the trees. Paul and I followed him leaving Seth and my mom who had arrived home just before us to watch over Nat. I watched as Jacob then Paul phased and followed suit, I knew Jacob wouldn't like what we were about to show him but he needed to see exactly what kind of pain he'd caused.

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