My own room

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He finished the tea and walked over to us. Giving us one mug, they handed me a white mug with a star in the middle of it. I tipped my tongue in the tea, it was warm not hot. Probably because he put lots of milk in it to cool down the boiling hot water, I took a sip. He added sugar cubes, and a few marshmallows. It was delicious, I loved tea more than anything. I took another sip before placing it on the dark wood coffee table. "Like it?" Bill said smiling proudly, I nodded in response.

"I used a secret ingredient. Can't say though, it's a secret!" Bill explained, waking at me playfully. I picked it up and took another sip. "Okay, so sense we are keeping you against your will," Bill commented, he sure got that right. "We are making you your own room! You get to customize everything, don't worry about the budget, or the money! We got that covered." Bill sat up and grabbed my hand, making me sit up extremely fast.

Why was he being so nice to me? I mean, he kidnapped me, is holding me hostage but he made me tea and he making my room, my own room? He led me down the same hallway I went down before, we were outside the door to his room, but he turned sideways and went halfway down a hallway before a door meeting us at the face, Bill opens it to reveal a decent sized room, it had a bed that was covered in red silk and black blankets. "This will be your room for now, tomorrow we're going to be going on a little bit of a shopping spree!" He said with a little bit of excitement in his voice.

"Why are you being so nice to me? You kidnapped me." I said, looking at him in his eye. "Well, I don't want to keep you here. I'm going to try to make you as comfortable here as possible. So, you can enjoy it before we maybe let you free." He let go of my wrist gently and his hands fell beside his sides. "Oh, alright."

"I'll leave you alone, I'll go bring your tea to you." He quickly left as I walked into my room and sat on the soft silk red sheets. They matched the room I was in earlier. I soon heard the same heavy boots and chains ratteling towards my room. I stared at the door to see it open to be met with a fimilar face of Bill. He placed the tea on the nightstand next to my bed. I looked up at him and he looked down at me, he smiled lightly at me just to walk out of the room. Shutting the door behind him.

How is my life gonna be now?

My Little Vampireजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें