Something Delicious

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     Hours passed. I was hungry, cold and tired. I didn't want to sleep because what if they took me somewhere in my sleep? I heard a bang, and another bang. I stood up. Scared of whats happening outside, I back into a corner. I wasn't usually scared of anything. But this, loud banging, getting kidnapped two times in a row. I haven't even listened to any music in 2 maybe 3 days. The banging has stopped, only to restart a few minutes later. The door opened. I saw someone in a uniform with a tray coming towards me. "Hello Miss, Master Sam wanted you to eat something." He smile lightly and made her way to me. "I get your still scared about everything, but trust me. You will be just fine. Alright? Now hurry along! Eat up!" She quickly made her way to the door and left. I looked at the try, I opened the lid to see a perfect sandwich waiting for me, next to it was a yogurt. And a bottle of water to wash it all down. It smelled fine, it smelt delicious.

     My mom always told me to never eat something a stranger gives me. But here I was, I took the sandwich and took a big bite. It had tomatoes and lettuce. The meat was salami, one of my favorites.

     I quickly scarfed it down in the matter of what felt like seconds, I opened the yogurt and took a spoon and ate that fast as well. I place it back on the metal tray and opened the water bottle. I drank and sip and placed it down in disgust. It was warm, I hated warm water.


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