Café Runaway

626 20 8

     "Uhm, I'll order in a second! May I be excused? I have to use the restroom." Tom politely asked. "Yes, of course! I'll be back with your drinks Sir and Ma'am!" She walked off, so did Tom ask he made his way to the bathroom.

     A few minutes later Tom still hasn't come out the bathroom, but a waitress came and gave us our drinks. "Thank you!" Bill payed.

     She nodded and walked off. "I don't think Toms coming back." Bill scoffed. "Mhm." I said immersed in the taste of my drink. "Hey, wanna go off somewhere?" He said taking my hand in his. "Uhh, where?" I said smiling.

     I grabbed a hold of my drink as he shot me up and we ran out the store giggling. We ran down blocks of concrete, past crying babies, stores, clubs, parks. My legs started to hurt and my breath started to weak out.

     I didn't care. I wanted to spend time with Bill, only him. No one else, Why? Isn't it obvious. Bill is the most sweetest, caring, person you could meet. His eyes sparkled when he was happy. He clapped his hands for silly things, his laugh made everyone else so happy.
Thats why I wanted to make him laugh, he made everyone around a better person. And I loved him for that.

     We soon stopped out of breath, we walked down and walked down a beautiful misty pathway, it got dark but not too dark. Clouds formed above us. The green trees bent over us. "Bill look over there!" I said pointing.

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