Chapter 4

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On my way to my next class I noticed Aimiah conversing with....Chantel. That's weird, since when did Aimiah and Chantel get along. Then again sometimes they would pause their queen bee feud, for reasons unknown.

Chantel looked stunning as always but I knew better than to fall for a venus fly trap. She was tall with a dark complextion and dark brown eyes that tend to get lighter or darker depending on her mood. Her short dark brown hair was styled in light curls and slight waves that almost layed down perfectly on her head. Her edges were slicked down making a curled design.

She wore gloss on her plump lips, which is different from her usual matte colored lipsticks, and makeup such as bold black eyeliner, slight orange toned eye shadow, mascara, and a small black broken heart at the bottom edge of her left eye.

Chantel was a bit more on the curvy side compared to Shae and Aimiah. While Diara was a bit pudgy. To show off her body, Chantel was wearing skinny washed out ripped blue jeans that hung off her hips with her black thong straps showing.

An orange sleeveless turtle neck crop top along with gold jewelry that complements her gold nose piercing and multiple earrings. She also wore black high heels with gold accent buckles showing off her neatly polished toe nails.

I didn't know that I had stopped walking while I was looking at her until it was already too late. Chantel and Aimiah started making their way towards me and I instantly knew where this was heading.

"Well, well, well. Look at this Aimiah, it seems we've attracted a low life from the bottom of the food chain." Chantel spoke with venom pouring out of every word. Her sharp raspy voice cutting through the air like a knife.

I don't know why but Chantel never liked me. Even as kids she used to press the heel of her foot onto my head to make me bow because "peasants belong on the floor eating dirt with the men".

"Oh leave Y/n alone Chantel. She's just trying to get to class." Aimiah stared at me as she spoke. A sickening sweet smile gracing her face.

Although Aimiah's words were soft and light hearted I knew they were anything but kind. She may have shown me kindness this morning but that's it. Aimiah is only nice to me when we are alone. Other than that, I need to watch my back around her.

"Why should I leave her alone? She clearly wanted us to humor her. Why else would she stop to look at us?"

Chantel's eyes narrowed as she focused in on me. It made me feel as though she was the hunter and I was nothing but mere prey waiting to be devoured.

Nervous would be an understatement for how I am feeling at this moment. Yes I show some attitude when dealing with Aimiah. She's the queen bee of this school, of this town. She has better things to do other than encourage my petty attitude.

But Chantel is different. What makes her the most terrifying person in the school is her persistence and patience along with her erratic behavior. It doesn't matter how busy she gets, she will still make time to criticize you and break you down til there is nothing but an empty insecure shell of who you once was.

Aimiah can be rather cruel and deceiving but Chantel is a whole other ball game due to her willingness to push boundaries past no return.

"Maybe she was just admiring me, I mean us from a distance." Aimiah quickly changed her conceited sentence when she noticed Chantel give her a glare.

Usually Aimiah would have continued her narcissist ways whether or not Chantel glares at her. Whatever they are pausing their feud for now surely must be important if Aimiah is putting Chantel on the same level as her.

Chantel scoffs turning her focus from Aimiah to me. Before I could comprehend what was going on Chantel had me pinned against the lockers. Her forearm began to crush my throat making it difficult to breath.

A loud gasp followed by, "CHANTEL STOP!" bounced off the walls of the hallway.

I could hear Aimiah yelling as she tried to remove Chantel from me with no luck. My vision started getting blurry as I made eye contact with Chantel. She started talking but I don't know exactly what she was saying.

I doubt it matters anyway. It was most likely just another insult before I pass out. A few final words to make me feel more pathetic then I already do.

Everyone had already went to class so no one was going to help me. Even if our classmates were still walking around they would be damned before helping me. No one wants to be Chantel's target and they will surely become one if they interrupt her in the middle of a pursuit.

Clawing at Chantel's arm did little to nothing. All it did was leave a few scratch marks which does not help my predicament in the slightest. Right as I was about to pass out Chantel dropped me on to the floor letting me catch my breath and regain some of my consciousness.

"You really are a sorry excuse of space. But you already knew that didn't you." Chantel clicked her tongue on the roof of her mouth before picking me up by the back of my shirt collar.

I looked like a puppy being grabbed by their owner from the scruff of their neck. Aimiah looked worried for me but ceased her yelling, taking on a calmer 'I don't care' demeanor.

"What are you doing Chantel? You nearly choked her to death. Isn't that enough?" Aimiah spoke softly as she straightened up. Concern still visible in her eyes.

I never understood why Aimiah cares so much for me yet messes with my mental state on the daily. Although, she seems concerned I don't know whether I should trust it or not. Especially since it's a known fact that Aimiah always lies. All she is, is a snake dressed in deceiving flowers. Atleast Chantel is honest.

Chantel ignores Aimiah as she looks at me and proceeds to opening a random empty locker. She forces me into the locker and closes it behind me. I could hear a clicking sound telling me that she had put a padlock on the locker I was in. Where did she get a padlock, I have no idea but I'm not surprised that she has one on her.

I could hear Chantel walking away and Aimiah scolding her softly as she walks with her. The locker was dark with not even a slither of light coming through. I didn't even attempt to bang on the locker door knowing that no one was coming for me.

I would text Shae to come let me out when she gets out of class but she still doesn't know the school that well. Plus my phone is in my satchel, which I had put in my locker after parting ways with Shae.

I just sat down in the tight space as I tried to get comfortable, leaning my head on the locker wall. Oh how I loath this town.

Authors note~

Thank yall for reading my book. I apologize if there are any grammatical errors, I've never considered myself to be the best writer but i really wanted to make writing a new hobby to kick off the new year. I just want to ask yall if I should draw the characters so yall have a visual of how they look like or are the descriptions enough?

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