Chapter 17

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The next day came around faster than I wanted. Before I knew it, it was Sunday. I shakily walked to the alter in the middle of the entire town. There stood large statues of the elites as they stood in front of the large alter doors. People pour into the door dressed in their Sunday best.

Self-consciously, I look down at my own outfit. The only Sunday outfit that still fits me is an old white shirt along with a black vest, black jeans, black tennis, and a black bow tie. I gulp as I look back up at the altar. Adjusting my bow tie, I walk inside with the long line of people.

Upon entering the giant altar, I immediately took notice of all the different classes and ranks. With a sigh, I went to my respective ranks seating....a dimly lit area in the back.

There weren't a lot of us, but somehow, there still managed to be a lack of chairs. The nobles and the elites sit on the stage in their thrones. The highest ranks sit in the front. The middle ranks sit... you guessed the middle. While the lowest of the low, such as myself, don't even get chairs. We just stand in the back of the altar.

I look to the front to see the elites and their children already seated and ready to be worshipped. They dressed in all white to allude to their innocence and purity. As much as I hate the bright color of the adorn, I would be lying to myself if I didn't acknowledge how beautiful it looked on all of them.

That's who it works, isn't it? They deceive you with their beauty and grace, and then before you know it, you're their next five course meal. I shivered as I thought about the last sacrifice given to them. The way they held him between their claws as if his body alone would taint their skin.

The organ began to play from the balcony behind us. The talking quiets down as everyone else give the elites their undivided attention. Evelyn clears her throat as she arrogantly lifts her chin up.

"Welcome home. As you all know, this day is more than about worshiping us. Today is the day of sacrifice. The day of which one of you shall serve us in a way others have yet to do or have never done."

Everyone claps and cheers as Evelyn soaks in all of their attention. She basks in the spotlight while the other elites give small spoiled smiles. I look to my right as I notice men in cages and on leashes.

Evelyn continues to speak while I notice a small boy in a cage letting put small whimpers. I couldn't help but think about the boy I saved when I was younger. Oh, how I wanted to help that poor sound to let him out of that metal box and tell him to run as fast as he possibly can.

But I can't. I won't. I refuse to put myself in harms way again. I look back to the front, trying my best to ignore the whimpers and sniffles of the young boy, but I couldn't. His cries were so quiet yet so loud.

When I looked back to my right, I and him shared eye contact. His round brown eyes pleaded for me to set him free. I bite my lip as I contemplated my decision. With a sigh, I released my lip before slowly sinking to the ground.

Luckily, I was in the far back, so no one even realized what I was doing. Once I was on my knees, I began to crawl towards the boy while looking around to make sure no one saw me.

The boy noticed me coming closer and began to wipe his tears as excitement built up in his eyes. I stopped as I quietly put my index finger on my lips. He understood my message and acted as if he didn't see me.

Once I got to his, I pulled on the cage door slightly before noticing the lock. "Shit," I whispered silently as I quickly looked around. The boy tugged on the collar of my shirt to get my attention before pointing at a posh looking woman walking towards the bathroom.

I quickly took notice of the key shining around her neck that perfectly fits the keyhole on the boys' cage. With a small grumble, I tell him to stay here as I begin to crawl back to the hall that leads to the bathrooms. Once I'm in the hall, I stand up, closing the door behind me.

The woman enters the bathroom while I make sure to follow close behind. I quietly enter the bathroom before hiding behind the entrance wall. The woman stands in front of the sink, placing her purse down.

She stares into the mirror as she plays with the key. With a grunt, she undos the clasp, taking off the necklace and placing it in her purse. Once the key necklace is secured in her purse, she pulls out another necklace that fits more with her outfit.

"That's better."

She whispers before leaving her purse on the sink and walking into one of the stalls to do her business. As silently as possible, I tip toe my way to the purse. Once I'm in front of the purse, I begin to rummage through her stuff as gently as possible to not misplace anything.

I eventually find the key necklace, placing it into my pocket and tip toeing back out of the bathroom. I make my way all the way back to the boy while Evelyn continues her speech.

Pulling the key out of my pocket, I quickly unlock the cage. I place my index finger on my mouth to remind the boy to stay quiet. He nods his head as he he crawls out of the cage towards me.

Men in the other cages observe as I rescue the boy with hope in their eyes. They know there isn't hope for them, but to see the boy being freed was enough to bring a tear to a few of their eyes. Once the boy is out of the cage, I close the door and lock it back before whispering to him.

"Crawl. Crawl out of this place and don't look back. Once your outside runs and keeps running til you find the resistance."

I could see the fear building up in his eyes as he slowly nodded.

"W-what i-i-if I get c-caught?"

His voice was so small and fragile. My eyes softened as I thought of the boy I saved only for him to meet his end anyway.

"You won't. I'll make sure of it."

He sniffles quietly as he crawls closer to me and gives me a tight hug...well as tight of a hug that a 5 year old boy can give. With that final hug, he crawls all the way out of the entrance, making sure to go unnoticed when opening and closing the door. I sigh, knowing he'll be okay. At least for now.


A shrill voice echoed the altar before I could crawl back to my position. Looking up, I noticed the high-ranking woman from the bathroom coming towards me. I quickly stand to my feet.


Shnookums? That boy isn't a pet. I scowl as her shrieking continues to give me a headache. I look to the side only to notice female guards walking towards me as the elites watch in both amusement and anger.

My eyes widen as I quickly book it out of the altar.


I continue running as the guards footsteps fall farther and farther behind. I turn into an alleyway swiftly hiding behind a large garbage container. After a few seconds, the guards stomping continued past my hiding spot with a few of them yelling to find her, and she couldn't have gotten far.

I pant widely as I try and catch my breath.  As the sweat drips down my face, I feel a light tug on my shirt, causing me to jump in fright. I calmed down as I noticed the boy that I had helped. He stands there with a big gummy smile on his face before quickly hugging me on the leg.

In shock, I pat his back as he whispers thank you repeatedly with small tears soaking the fabric of my pants.

"I'll say. You must be the chick who this kid was talking about."

A southern voice breaks the moment. Looking up, I immediately take notice of the tattoo above his eyebrow. He's part of the rebellion. He smiles at me before turning around and walking further into the alley.

"Are you comin' or are you jus' gonna stand there and look perty."

The kid giggled at my baffled look before grabbing my hand and tugging me towards the man. We walk in silence as the man leads the way through the alley.

Normally, I would be freaking out, but the rebellion tattoo gives me a sort of safe feeling. I'm in good hands. I just know it.

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