Chapter 7

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I wake up in a dark room. Normally, I would check my phone for the time, but unfortunately, it is still in my locker at school and I don't own a clock. Groaning, I get up and open my blackout curtains to try and guess what time it is. From the position of the sun, I would have to guess that it is time for school or almost time for school.

As I look around my empty, now sunlight-filled room, I can't help but remember the events of yesterday at the construction sight. I used to be like them, the women I mean. Constantly thinking men were below us. I still do think that, but it's less extreme.

That man didn't deserve punishment for falling. Now, he is possibly dead or on his way to being dead all because of something so minuscule.

How is our system now anything different from how it was before? It's the same way just in reverse and with much more dire consequences. It's not right.

I try to shake the unpleasant feeling crawling on my skin. If I continue to think like this, the elites will surely make an example out of me. With that final thought, I shake my head and go into the bathroom where the med kit still lies on the counter and my now dried blood stains parts of the sink.

I use the bathroom, clean up the blood, and put up the med kit before taking a shower.

The shower was cold. All of the heated water is preserved and given to the higher ranks on the other side of town, including the elites. While we the "peasants" get cold water in return for all the hardships we face, It's unfair.

Once I finish my shower, I get dressed in another simple outfit. A button-down shirt that is twice my size and blue jeans with a few different colored patches. My clothes have been ripped a few times, but I can never afford to pay for new ones, so I would take old fabrics I would find and patch them up. The stitch work isn't the best, but I am getting better at it.

Finally, I tuck in my shirt because of how big it is. I look like a mess, but I think to myself, when have I ever looked good? With that, I put on my only pair of shoes and headed to the kitchen.

Upon entering, I notice how clean everything is and how there are no more dishes in my sink.

"Wow. I thought Aimiah said that she cleaned the dishes, not the entire kitchen."

I murmured to myself kind of impressed. For someone who has been pampered her entire life and insists on being waited on hand and foot, she cleans well.

I decided to make some toast and cut up some apple slices. Once I'm finished eating in silence, I leave, making sure to lock the door behind me.

As I am heading to school, I can see the women back hard at work on building the elites altar. Smiles on every woman's face as they diligently focus on every detail, like little ants scurrying around. The men, however, looked miserable and tired. The bags under their eyes are visible for all the world to see. I try not to focus on it and continue my long walk to school.

Once I finally got there, I noticed the halls were empty.

"Great, I'm late. That's just what I needed today. " I roll my eyes slightly annoyed.

I head to my locker to grab my satchel and check to make sure my phone is still there. Once I see my phone, I check the time and make sure it's secure in my bag. I head to class.

Unfortunately, I missed almost half of the day. I have P.E. Then I go to lunch and after that, I have three more classes.

I go into the girls' bathroom and quickly put on my gym wear. Once I'm fully dressed, I go into the gym.

"Y/l, you're late! I get you aren't the biggest fan of physical activity, but you can at least have some decency and show up to P.E. on time."

My P.E. coach, coach Kane, sighs as she pinches the bridge of her nose.

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