Nevermore (Wednesday)

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Wednesday was trying not to touch anything. It was her attempt to keep herself from having more insane moments. Every time she had a vision she would come out afterward as a crazy person. She wouldn't really remember them that much, but everyone told her she would talk nonsense. 

Her parents told her she could stay home until she felt comfortable to go to Nevermore, but Wednesday said she was comfortable going now. And she was... a little. 

She was going for Enid. And she was going because her house was getting boring. 

So they were walking together towards the school doors. 

"You really sure you shouldn't be staying home?" Enid stopped and asked Wednesday right before they got to the doors. 

"I'm sure." Wednesday said. "You've asked me that nineteen times, Enid."

"Right, I just want to make sure your really okay with it—"

"I'm sure, Enid."

"Okay." Enid shoved open the doors and they entered. They were one of the first people there, only a few other kids were walking around.

"Hello!" A new voice sounded from next to them. A woman stood there. She was actually pretty short, with her hair high up in a bun and a pencil dress on. She held a clipboard. "I'm the new principle here. You can call me Mrs. Holland!"

"Hi." Enid said. Wednesday stayed silent.

"Who are you?" Mrs. Holland asked. "I would like to take your attendance and make sure you get to the right dorms."

"I'm Enid Sinclair." Enid replied. 

"Wednesday Addams." Wednesday said. "What kind of outcast are you?"

Mrs. Holland looked up from her clipboard. "Oh, I'm a witch, dear. I don't really practice much anymore, since I wasn't ever the best at it. No reason to worry."

"I'm not worried." Wednesday said flatly. "I like to know who I'm dealing with."

Mrs. Holland smiled nervously. 

"She's always like this." Enid reassured her. Wednesday kept staring. Mrs. Holland gave a chuckle. 

"It looks like you two are in the same dorm you've been in this past year." She said. "Do you know the way?"

"Yes." Wednesday and Enid said at the same time. Mrs. Holland smiled.

"Okay, well, unpack your bags and wait for your schedules to be delivered." Mrs. Holland walked away. 

"I liked Larissa Weems better." Wednesday commented as they walked up the stairs to their dorm. "At least she was serious most of the time." 

"I'm sure she's serious some of the time..." Enid replied.

They got to their dorm and Enid started to put all her colorful stuff back on the window. She'd had to take it down just in case dorms changed. 

As Wednesday was carefully placing her typewriter on her desk, a knock sounded on the door. Enid opened it, and another woman stood there.

"Hi! I'm your new dorm mom, Grace Blakely." She said. Wednesday scanned her as well. She didn't seem like the type who would try to murder you, but neither did Laurel's alias as Thornhill. "You can call me Miss Blakely. You must be Enid and Wednesday. Nice to meet you."

"I assume you're also the replacement botanist?" Wednesday said. 

"Yes. I heard what happened last school year. It's sounds like it was quite an ordeal."

"Wednesday got stabbed and almost died multiple times." Enid replied. "I fought a giant Hyde. Yes, it was an ordeal."

"I'm sorry about that, but you can trust me. I promise you, I have no malicious intent." 

"Give it some time and maybe I won't hate you." Wednesday said.

"She hates almost everyone, so don't take it personally." Enid told her. 

"I got that." Miss Blakely nodded and put her hands in her pockets. "Well, have a good first day back! Nice meeting you, Enid. Wednesday." She nodded at each of them as she said their names.

She left and Enid turned to Wednesday. "You don't have to be mean to everyone you meet."

"To late." Wednesday said. She turned back to her typewriter.

"Why do I get the feeling that you want to be here, but don't want to be here?" Enid asked, leaning against Wednesday's desk. 

Wednesday turned back to Enid. "The sense of impending insanity ruins it a bit for me. I may not even make it through a year before I lose myself completely."

"Hey, it's gonna be okay." Enid promised, hanging her arms around Wednesday's shoulders. "I didn't save your life for you to go crazy."

"You can't promise anything." 

"Well, I can promise this." Enid smiled and pulled out a letter from her pocket, handing it to Wednesday. 

Wednesday took it cautiously, and opened the seal. Her eyes widened as she read it. "When did this come?"

"This morning." Enid answered. "I figured you would need it later, so I saved it."

"I can't believe it." Wednesday felt a smile twitch into shape on her lips.

"Yay! Your book's being published!" Enid threw her arms up and grinned. 

"I beat Mary Shelley." Wednesday said in disbelief. "Arkham House is publishing it. They have a huge horror section. It's basically all they are." 

"Perfect, right?"

"Yes." Wednesday said. After a lot of negative reviews from publishers who said her book was too morbid and bloody, she'd stopped hoping she would get it published soon. And here she was, now an author. It was a pretty big distraction from her current situation. 

All in all, the day wasn't bad.

- - -

Hello to all who have taken the time and effort to find this story! Sequels normally have about half the readers as the first book of they're on Wattpad, and I think that's because of the whole ordeal of trying to find the next book. Just look on the author's profile page, people. 

Or they just don't feel the need to read the next book, which I think is sad.

Well, here it is. The second book. When I started I wasn't expecting making another book. Or being serious about it at all. So thank you to everyone who has voted, commented, shared, and/or followed me! 

Okay, enough being sappy. It's not a good look on me. 

Please vote, share, and follow! Anything, just don't be a silent reader.

Thanks! Updates every two days! (UPDATE: for a while the chapters will be coming out every day, don't know how long I'll do that for, though)


P.S. If you're reading this and haven't read the first book yet, go read it! It's called What if I Tried (A WednesdayxEnid Fanfic). You can find it easily on my profile. 

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