What (Enid)

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Enid's hand shook as she heard Wednesday's voice. "W-Wednesday? Where are you? Are you okay? W-ha—"

Static sounded on the other side. The call connection was horrible, if that was even what it was. Wednesday's phone was still only a few feet away. 

"Are you there?" Enid asked, her heart pounding harder. "Wens?"

"Yes, I'm here." Wednesday voice came through the crackles. "Enid—"

A bunch more static blocked her off. 

"What?!" Enid almost yelled into the phone. "What is it?!"

"Enid," Static. "Enid, get out of there."

"What do you mean? Go away from Nevermore? Not without you! Where are you? How do I find you?!" Enid felt Cass' hand on her shoulder, trying to calm her. But Enid ignored her. 

"—ere's no time." Wednesday said, her voice carrying... wait, was that panic? It had to be big if Wednesday was panicking. "Get out, E—"

The line went dead. Enid panted, backing away. She could feel herself shaking.

"Are you okay?" Cass asked. 

"No!" Enid yelled. "Do you think I am?!"

"What's wrong?" She looked concerned. Enid stared in disbelief. 

"Did you not hear what Wednesday said? What she sounded like?"

"Wednesday's not here, Enid." Cass replied. Now she looked confused. "I know this has been hard on you, but know your raving about Wednesday talking to you. Maybe we should take to to the hos—"

"What are you talking about?" Enid felt her nails sharpen from her alarm. "Wednesday just called."

"Enid..." Enid followed Cass' eyes to Wednesday's phone on the table. 

"I know! But it just happened! She just called! Why don't you remember? She said—"

"Here, here, calm down." Cass interrupted, reaching out and grabbing Enid's shoulders. Enid squirmed. "Enid, there wasn't a phone call. Wednesday never spoke to you. We should get you to the hospital."

Enid felt the world tilt. What was going on? Wednesday had called, she was sure of it. But then she glanced at Wednesday's phone and felt a sliver of doubt. She looked on her call history— and Wednesday's call wasn't on there. Had it been real? 

"No, I'm fine." Enid finally said. "I— you're right. It was just my imagination." 

Cass nodded politely, and left after telling Enid to be more careful. Enid watched as she shut the door.

But a part of her still thought it had happened. 

Seriously, what was going on?

- - -

Yay, another chapter! A small one, but still! Don't forget to vote and follow me! Comment what you think!


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