Chapter 7

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Ears set back flat on your head, you walked slowly and agitatedly to school. You yawned.

"Hey, Y/N!" One of your ears pricked up to pinpoint the direction of the voice, eventually finding Kirishima stood across the road from you. The redhead hurriedly crossed the road, thanking cars for stopping as he ran toward you.

"Hey, Kiri." You said sleepily, rubbing your eye with your good hand. He looked at you with bemusement, tilting his head slightly.

"You okay, bro? Or is it broette?" He pondered for a second, before turning back to you, awaiting a response.

"Just 'bro' is fine. I don't care. Besides, I didn't get much sleep last night." You wrapped your tail around your waist again, making you feel even more tired.

"You didn't get sleep? You? Y/N L/N is tired?" He chuckled, his face showing exaggerated shock and horror.

"Shut up. Yes. I, Y/N L/N, am tired." You yawned again, scratching the back of your ear.

"How come?" The redhead asked, before pulling his bag off of his back and pulling out a small box. "Takoyaki?" 

Your eyes widened as you gratefully took a few, "Yes please. Uh, my brothers arrived yesterday. We were up until like 12am just talking about random shit."

You took a bite out of the takoyaki, your heart fluttering with joy as the flavour melted down your throat. "God, this takoyaki is amazing."

"Thanks! My mom knows how to make it well." Kirishima grinned happily as the two of you continued your way to school.

"Oh! Izuku lives nearby, I wonder if we can catch him and walk with him too." You recalled your walk home with Izuku yesterday, remembering what turn to make that lead to the apartments he lived at.

"Sure! Sounds great!" He threw up a thumbs-up and the two of you turned towards Izuku's apartments.

Luckily, Izuku was just leaving the apartment block as the two of you approached. "Hey Izu!" You called out, waving excitedly with one hand.

"Oh! Hello, Y/N! Hello, Kirishima!" He returned the wave with his good hand before quickly running towards you two.

"What's up Izubro? Oh look, you two have injuries on the same arms!" Kirishima pointed out, snickering quietly in amusement.

You grinned and threw your arm around Izuku's neck, pulling him towards you, "Yep! We're matching cripples! Oh! Cripple buddies!"

Izuku giggled and shrugged in agreement, and the three of you made your way to school, also joining Mina on the way there.

You entered the school, when you suddenly heard a lot of commotion. Your ears pricked up, turning in different directions until your eyes met a large crowd forming near the field you'd done your Quirk Apprehension Test.

You made your way towards the crowds, Kirishima, Mina and Izuku following closely. You couldn't see over the crowds, but you heard someone mention it was a fight.

"Damn, 1-A students are fighting?" An unknown voice murmured to someone.

"Yeah, can you believe it?" Another voice responded.

With a grunt, you spun to the side and forced your way through the crowd, your elbow on your good arm jutting people out of the way. "Move it! I'm crippled, I have rights!" You yelled as your sling got caught on something, tearing it off of your arm. You winced and continued moving.

"Y/N! What are you doing?" Mina called after you, cupping her pink hands around her mouth to amplify her voice.

"I'm going to see what's going on!" You replied as someone tried to step in front of you. You touched them and sent a small electric shock to their skin, making them jump slightly and move out of the way.

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