Chapter 8

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TW for this chapter. Mentions of SA and violence.


Knowing that you didn't necessarily have the most time, since you weren't actually allowed to leave the premises during school hours, you whipped out your phone to find the shortest route to get to your favourite soba shop.

You noticed that Todoroki had a slight pep in his step, his expression slightly softer knowing that he was going to get cold soba. It made you snicker lightly.

"What's so funny?" He asked, slightly raising his eyebrow.

"Nothing, don't worry. We're turning left here." You turned into an alley which was dimly lit up by oil lanterns hung on the walls. It was slightly vaster than a normal alleyway, and as you made your way further toward the middle, you could hear the gentle sound of a music box.

"Y/N? Are you sure this is the right way?" Todoroki asked, looking slightly concerned.

You nodded to assure him. "Hayakawa-san? You there? It's Y/N!"

There was no response, when you and Todoroki suddenly jolted at the sound of metal rattling. Todoroki entered a fighting stance, but you tapped him lightly on the arm to show him that it was okay.

"How many times do I have to tell you to just refer to me by my first name?" You smiled at the sound of the familiar voice of your favourite soba vendor - Akira Hayakawa.

Hayakawa fumbled with the metal rollers as he forced them upwards, locking them in place with a firm punch. He sighed deeply as he flicked a few switches under the counter, turning on the lights in the kitchen behind him. 

"Hello, Y/N. And... Hello there." He looked at Todoroki, eyeing him up and down.

"Oh! Hayakawa-san, this is my friend, Shoto Todoroki. Sho, this is Akira Hayakawa. I've been eating at his soba store since I was little." You added after introducing them to each other. 

Todoroki bowed down, "It's a pleasure to meet you. Y/N spoke highly of the soba you sell here."

"Did she now? Well, it's just as much a pleasure to me as to you. What can I get you guys?"

Again, Todoroki's eyes lit up as he requested a bowl of cold soba, receiving a nod and small smile from Hayakawa.

"And for you, Y/N? What're ya feeling like? Usual? Cravings? Rough time? I got some extra chillies if you want?" 

"Thanks, Hayakawa-san. I'll just have the usual, but I'll probably come back later to grab some for Isamu and Hiroshi." He nodded as he wrote up your receipt.

"Oh, your brothers are back in town huh? What's it this time?" He handed you the small piece of paper.

You sighed and shrugged, pulling your wallet out from your pocket and fumbling with some cash, "Mom and her stupid new boyfriends."

You handed him the money, but he pushed it away, refusing payment. Nevertheless, you shoved it into the tip jar. He rolled his eyes and snickered, eventually accepting the money. "Tell them I said hi, okay?"

You nodded and smiled as you turned around and sat down on a bench opposite the shop, Todoroki sitting beside you. "Y/N, where's your sling?"

Your eyes widened and you looked down at your arm, seeing it awkwardly bent in a painless position but without a sling. "Oh, I lost it this morning during the fight. How did that even start in the first place?"

He shrugged, "Bakugou just walked up to me and starting yelling at me. I didn't even understand what he was saying. I saw his hands started smoking, and he randomly tried to punch me."

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