Chapter 9

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Clutching your stomach, you groaned as you walked to school. You'd gone back to Recovery Girl's office a few days ago and she'd finished the healing on your arm, so it was all good to use again.

You met Kirishima at your usual spot, delighted to be greeted by a box full of hot takoyaki. You took a few and shoved them in your mouth, "Ugh, these are so good."

"Y'know, my mom's started making more, just for you! Here, have a few more." He gestured towards to box and you noticed that instead of there being eight, like there usually were, there were twelve (minus the two you'd just eaten)!

"Aww! That's so sweet of her! Tell her I said thank you!~" You cooed with adoration as you gratefully took a few more. "My dad left for work early today so I didn't get any food and Hiroshi didn't wanna make me something to eat." You complained.

Kirishima tilted his head in confusion, "Hiroshi? Who's that? Your boyfriend?~" He teased, receiving a smack on his arm.

"Ew! No, no way! He's my brother, you weirdo!" You exclaimed, narrowing your eyes in irritation.

"Woah, you've got a brother? How'd I never know that?" Kirishima's eyes lit up in fascination.

"Two older brothers, Isamu and Hiroshi. Wait a minute - didn't I already tell you that my brothers arrived two days ago?" I look at him with confusion, poking him playfully in the forehead, "You got short term memory loss or something?"

"Hey! No I don't!" He chuckled, swatting your hand away, "But... now that I think about it, yeah, I do remember you telling me." His shoulders dropped as he contemplated whether he actually had short term memory loss.

You chuckled softly and nudged his arm, "I'm just playing with you. Hey, what's with all the press?"

The two of you look over towards the gates of the school, seeing what seemed like hundreds of news reporters and photographers, all swarming the students who attempted to enter the school.

Kirishima tilted his head slightly in confusion, "No idea."

You stood on your tip-toes to try and see over the commotion, and when you noticed a familiar green-haired person, you and Kirishima took off towards the crowds.

"Hey, look! More UA students!"

In almost an instant, you and Kirishima were getting bombarded my reporters, shoving their microphones in your faces and asking you a cacophony of questions. You groaned and continued pushing forwards, when a reporter suddenly pushed his microphone right in your face.

"OW! WHAT THE FUCK?!" You yelled, holding your nose as it slowly turned red. You turned and glared at the reporter who'd hit you with the microphone.

His eyes widened and he took a step back, mumbling, "S-sorry, sorry..."

I quickly turned to Kirishima, "Can you believe that bastard? Hitting me in the fuckin' face with a microphone..."

Kirishima chuckled softly and shrugged, though his expression was clearly strained as the two of you continued forcing yourselves forward.

You finally reached Izuku and heard a reporter asking him a question, "Hey, you! Can you tell us what it's like to work so closely with All Might?!"

Izuku looked slightly panicked and out of his element as he awkwardly backed away from the reporter, "Uh-um, sorry, I have to go to the uh... nurse's office! Yeah, right away!"

You smiled at him and nodded as he took a step back, walking away from the reporter. She looked slightly dejected by his response but when she noticed you and Kirishima, her expression brightened again.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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