:Inject Me Sweetly: Chapter Twenty

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“Are you sure you can do this?”

            “I’m sure.”

            “Are you positive?”

            “I’m positive.”

            “Are you sure you—”

            “I’m sure!” Vincent growled, whipping his head around to glare at me. “Stop asking the same damn thing over and over again!”

            I blinked at his sudden outburst. “I-I… Sorry.”

“It’s not your fault,” he muttered after a second, returning his attention to the outside world.

My eyes lingered on him for a moment longer, the corners of my lips turning up into a small smile before joining his gaze. We were parked in front of my high school, waiting for Fiona and Joel to show up. Every now and then Vincent’s brows furrowed together as he stared up at the massive structure. He had to be nervous. Heck, even I was nervous— and I’d been going to that school for four years.

“It’s not as scary as it looks,” I told him.

He snorted. “I’m not scared.”

“You look like you’re scared.”

His head swiveled around again, his face twisted into mock horror. “Oh no! Teenagers! Look, I’m not like you and almost drop dead at the sight of another species.”

I glowered at him. “Yeah, well at least humans are supposed to exist!” A flat look crossed his face. With a gasp, I realized my words. “Wait, I’m sorry—”

            “Stop apologizing.”

            “I’m sorry— crap!”

            He rolled his eyes. “What’s wrong with you today?”

            I bit my tongue, turning my back to him. That was my question. What was wrong with him? Why was he being so much nicer lately? Surely being out of his house couldn’t have made such a drastic change of attitude, could it? I glanced at him again, narrowing my eyes.

            “What now?” he asked, his eyes sliding over to mine.

            “Nothing,” I muttered, snapping my head forward again.

            “Turn toward me again.”

            Curious, I rotated my head once more; jerking my head back when I realized how close Vincent’s was to me. “W-what?”

            “Your hair,” he muttered, reaching a slim hand toward me. “This piece here is sticking up.” He put his hand on the top of my head, running it down the front of my bangs.

            My heart stuttered in my chest at his unexpected gesture. “T-thanks…”

            “No problem,” he responded, keeping his hand on my head.

            “Er… what are you doing?” I asked after a moment.

            He grinned evilly. “This.” Before I could protest, he ruffled the hair on my head roughly; messing up the perfect part it’d taken me five minutes to complete this morning.

            “Vincent!” I cried in outrage, shoving his hand away. “What is wrong with you?”

            He laughed— impossible, I know— and pulled his hand away. “What’s wrong with you?”

Inject Me Sweetly / Dusk Until DawnWhere stories live. Discover now