:Inject Me Sweetly: Chapter Twenty-Eight

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After Ashton shoved me into the back seat of his black SUV, I could talk. Immediately I tried to escape out the door, but child lock was on. Great vampires think alike, I thought sarcastically. That or they all took a course in kidnap.

“What are you doing with me?” I demanded as Ashton climbed into the front seat. “Vincent will know I’m missing—”

With a loud rev of his engine, Ashton floored it, causing me to lose my balance and fall back into the seat. “Don’t talk,” he ordered. “It distracts me when I drive.”

“Let me out!” I cried, moving to one side to bang on the window. “Stop the car! Let me out!”

“Hey! Don’t break the windows!” Luca growled, turning in his seat to scowl at me. “Touch them again and I’ll break your wrists. Both of them.”

“Luca,” Ashton said in a reprimanding tone. “Stop it. Emily, please don’t bang on my windows.”

I stared at the back of his head incredulously. What was he thinking? Please? Asking me to please do something while he was kidnapping me?

“See, Luca, saying please always works—”

“Let me out!” I cried, resuming my pounding on the windows. Why wasn’t anyone driving around? It wasn’t that late!

Luca snorted, twisting in his seat to scowl at me. “Apparently not, Ashton.”

“Where are we going?” I demanded, shooting Luca a dirty look.

“If I told you that would ruin the surprise,” Ashton responded.

Gritting my teeth, I fell back into the leather backseat, bringing my foot up to kick Luca’s seat. After ten seconds of this, Luca bared his fangs at me. Instead of being frightened I scoffed at him. “Do you really think that’s scary?”

He narrowed his eyes. “I can make it scary. Come here.”

“I don’t think so.”

“Too scared?”

“I don’t want to catch your ugliness,” I snapped back at him.

He jolted forward in his seat, stretching his arm toward my neck. Before he reached me Ashton grabbed his arm, pushing it to the side. “Children, please.”

“Can we kill her now?”


“Why not?”

Ashton decided to ignore him. “Emily, I heard you’re a blue blood. Is this true? Or did our little spy make it up?”

“Who’s your spy?” I countered.

He waved me off. “No one you’d know of.”

“If you won’t answer me, I won’t answer you.”

A quiet chuckle left his lips. “Ah, but I don’t think you’re in the position to be bargaining with me.”

Luca smirked. “Speak up, little girl.”

“No,” I stated, turning my head away from them. “You can’t force me to tell you anything.”

“We’ll find out soon enough,” Luca commented, a hard edge to his voice. “Can’t say it’ll be too pleasing of an experience for you.”

His words shook me, but only a little. If I showed my fright, they would think they had the upper advantage. For now I had to keep my cool. Maybe a chance of escape would come up. Or Vincent would realize I was gone. I blinked. Even when he did realize I was missing, he wouldn’t know where I was. A groan of annoyance escaped my lips.

Inject Me Sweetly / Dusk Until DawnDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora