:Dusk Until Dawn: [Chapter: 29] //A Vampire Romance//

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I knew what was coming before the thought probably even registered in Dustin's head. I twisted on my heel, making a break for the door. I heard the slightest creak of board and something hard crashed into my back.

"Dustin, no!" I shrieked, falling to the wooden floor with a loud thunk.

I struggled under his new superhuman strength as his hands dug into my back. I winced in pain, clawing at the floor, trying to escape from him. My fingernails tore and I had to stop from the pain that was now being inflicted onto my fingertips. After a few more seconds the weight was gone and I was able to scramble to my feet. This time I turned my front towards him so I could keep an eye on him.

Reilly was holding Dustin by the collar of his shirt. Dustin's fangs were bared at me still, and he was hissing and growling in my direction. I took a few steps back in utter horror, my hand shaking. This was horrible.

Why was this happening?

"It wouldn't be as fun if you killed her right away," Reilly commented, addressing Dustin, a smile spreading on his face. "It's more fun to play with food, Dustin."

There was no sign that Reilly's words had registered in Dustin's head. He was still trying his best to get out of Reilly's grasp and over to me. I slowly inched my way towards the door. I had to get out of here as fast as I could. Reilly seemed to know that I was trying to make an escape.

"You can have a five second head start I suppose," Reilly offered, shrugging. "It won't make a difference."

"Five seconds?" I repeated, dumbfounded.

"Four," Reilly responded with a wink.

I made a break for it, winging open the door and bolting down my hallway. I slid around the corner, my feet almost slipping out from under me on the rug. As I made it to the stairs, I was tackled to the side. I cried out as I was slammed into the wall above the stairs.

With my back to the wall I could stare Dustin in the face. His face was contorted with rage and he growled at me, his hands digging into my arms with an extremely painful force. I stared at him wide-eyed.

"Dustin! It's me Maddie, don't you recognize me?" I cried, trying to break free from his grasp. "It's your best friend! Dustin!"

I was pulled away from the wall, only to be bashed into it again with more force. I winced from the impact and dug my hands into Dustin's arms.

"Dustin! Wake up! It's Maddie!" I cried, trying to see the slightest hint of recognition in his eyes. There wasn't one.

Dustin growled again, and in a swift movement I was sent flying down the stairs. I hit the floor at the bottom with a sickening thud. The wind was knocked out of me and I gasped on the floor, trying my best to breathe. Suddenly Dustin was above me, stepping and crushing my splayed arm. I screamed in pain.

I groaned, turning my head to look at my arm, Dustin's foot still crushing it. I tried to raise it and gasped as pain shot from my fingertips throughout my whole body.

Dustin now kicked me in the side, sending me into a table. The corner got my back and I nearly lost consciousness from the pain. I slid to the ground my head reeling.

I coughed, making weird noises as I gasped for breath. When I got a little air in me, I scrambled to my feet, ignoring the horrible throbbing in my arm. I quickly grabbed a vase from the table I had crashed into.

"Dustin, don't come any nearer," I warned, holing the vase threatening.

He disregarded me entirely, and continued to close in on me. When Dustin got close enough to me I threw it in his face with my good arm and bolted for the door.

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