:Dusk Until Dawn: [Chapter: 7] //A Vampire Romance//

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So I got a comment last chapter about moving this story along faster (or something like that hahha) and I wrote this story for my school's novel contest thing. So I needed it to be at least 50,000 words, so that's why it's starting out so slow. All in all, it's like 250 pages in word document. But im still editing and changing things sooo, who knows. Maybe it will be longer. Maybe shorter. But it does get better later in the story. Once the action picks up, it never stops. Trust me.

Anyways, enjoy the new chapter :)


We entered the classroom to find the teacher not there. I scanned the room, searching for one pair of eyes. I found them and walked towards him. He was sitting on the top of a desk.

"Hello," Damian addressed me in his polished voice. I wondered if he new what I was about to ask.

"How did you get to my locker so fast?"

"Ours," he corrected me. I raised my eyebrow. "Our locker," he repeated.

"Mine," I replied stubbornly. He rolled his eyes.

"You're so tenacious."

"Thank you," I said sarcastically. He was dodging the question. I could feel Dustin's eyes on my back.

"How?" I reiterated.

"By walking."

I scowled at his smart-ass comment and he smirked. Clearly he wasn't going to tell me straight out. I turned my back and walked back to Dustin. He wiggled his eyebrows at me and I couldn't help but smile.

"You looked angry for a moment." I could hear the masked respite in his voice. I chose to ignore it.

"Not angry, just..." I fumbled for the right word. "Miffed." No, that wasn't quite right. I believe the word "suspicious" would have described my feeling at the moment better.

"Do you like him?" Dustin asked bluntly.

Taken aback, I opened my mouth to say something, but I couldn't form a coherent sentence. It was just so blunt! I could feel my face heating up and had to look down. Even if I denied it, my face would give it away. I basically had "Of course I like him!" written all over my face. But this was the first time the thought ever appeared aloud.

"No I-"

"No?" I felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped. I twisted around and saw familiar umber hair. I looked startled into Ayden's eyes.

"Welcome to History," he welcomed giving me a cheesy grin. I closed my eyes and counted to five. Maybe when I opened them, he would be gone.

"Boo," he laughed when I opened my eyes again. This could not be happening... Wait, I thought, it actually couldn't!

"How are you the teacher of this class?" I asked him.

"Because I'm a History teacher."


"No, I meant that if Damian and Callie are in this class, how are you allowed to teach it?"

"Do you really not want me to be your teacher?"

I hesitated. I can't say I hated him because to be honest, I actually quite liked him. But it was strange too; he looked too young to be a teacher. ...It would be cool to have him as a teacher, I admitted to myself.

"I thought so," he smirked, guessing my expression before walking to the front of class. "Everyone take a seat."

I smiled and went to the sit front and center. Grinning, I sat down and faced Ayden with my full attention. Damian and Dustin came to sit on either side of me while Callie sat behind me. Ayden smiled at me before his eyes flickered behind me as someone cleared his throat.

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