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[Rhea's POV]

Jael hurriedly left the restroom once I pointed out that her zipper was open. Was she feeling embarrassed by my comment?

I noticed her deliberate avoidance, how she refused to meet my gaze. She managed to arrive on time today as well, yet her behavior was puzzling me.

It slipped my mind momentarily, but I realized that she had started to create a distance between us ever since I uttered those words about not wanting to see her again. The truth was, I didn't truly mean it, it was just a reflection of my own somber mood due to...


"I'll have to reschedule our meeting for today, Dad," I spoke into my cellphone, my grip tight as I juggled the conversation with my father regarding the Montejo's meeting.

The idea of engaging in business discussions, especially with the particular guy who's my suitor. My father's intentions to forge a connection between us, both being faculty members at SU, were clear, but I wasn't enthused.

"Yes, perhaps tomorrow, Dad," I responded before ending the call, my sigh of relief imperceptible.

Entering the familiar haven of the coffee shop, I found the place bustling with students, nearly every table occupied. The search for an empty seat led me to the counter, yet before I could even scan the room properly, a prompt staff member intercepted.

"Good day, Miss Rhea. What would you like to order today?" Her smile was the epitome of professionalism.

"I'll take a cappuccino," I replied, my eyes still sweeping the area in hopes of spotting a vacant spot. Regrettably, the tables were fully occupied.

With no choice left, I opted to take my coffee to-go. As my order was prepared, my gaze swept the area once more, landing on a woman who stood beside her table, her eyes on me.

Was she signaling for me to join her? While it might be unusual, declining her offer felt impolite, and the prospect of sipping my coffee alone in my car paled in comparison to the ambience here.

Balancing my order, I made my way over to her table, noticing the warmth that radiated from her smile as her gaze lingered on me.

I'm not one for childish games, really.

Upon reaching her table, I watched as she gracefully pulled the chair out for me, a gesture I hadn't anticipated.

Is she working as a waiter?

With no room to decline her silent invitation, I settled into the chair, feeling a slight shyness tinge my demeanor. Despite that, I maintained an air of sophistication as I positioned myself.

"Miss, what's your name?" she asked, her voice carrying a mix of amusement and curiosity.

I chose not to engage with her, opting to retrieve my book from my bag and immerse myself in its pages. Her disregard for etiquette had left a sour impression on me. As I delved into my reading, my peripheral vision caught a glimpse of the small canvas she held. Was she painting? It seemed likely, especially given the furtive glances she kept stealing in my direction.

Suddenly, she cleared her throat and assumed a somewhat childish demeanor. With a feigned cough, she inquired about my name. I couldn't help but feel that her behavior was rather immature, and so I calmly reminded her that it's considered impolite to ask for someone's name when they're occupied. I made sure not to let her breach of decorum go unnoticed. After all, a lesson in basic manners was in order.

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