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[Rhea's POV]

I gradually opened my eyes, my breath coming in labored gasps. My body felt somewhat heavy, burdened by an unseen weight. Through determined effort, I managed to extend my arm and blink my eyes fully open.

"Five more minutes," a drowsy voice mumbled, pulling me from my confusion. I was instantly taken aback.

Ah, yes, I recollected. I paid an exorbitant sum, a staggering 20 billion, to spend a night with this young woman.

The memory of seeing her entwined with that other woman, as if belonging to her, fueled my frustration. My mood last night had been dampened by the intimate proximity between her and Vivien, a detail that ignited my ire.

Carefully, I began to shift my body, attempting to extricate myself from the situation. I was cautious not to disturb her sleep, as she lay deeply and peacefully sleeping. Her arm rested on my upper body, embracing me almost like her pillow.

So she loves hugging pillows.

With gentle precision, I managed to disentangle her arm from my body and gradually rise.

Gazing at her peaceful face in slumber, a smile involuntarily crept onto my lips. The memories of our shared, passionate kiss from the previous night flooded my mind. It had been a blend of tenderness and boldness, leaving an indelible mark. Despite my jealousy over Vivien's touch, her heartfelt words and the gentleness of that kiss had left me with a lingering warmth.

"Darling, I'm yours forever."

That quote lingered on my mind.

I notice how the clothes I gave her last night suits her so much as she sleeps peacefully, I slowly put a pillow besides her so she doesn't wake up.

Exiting my room within my office, I reached for my phone on the desk, intent on ordering breakfast for both of us. Cooking facilities weren't available here after all, this space served as both my school office and a rest house. Cooking utensils would have been a waste, considering my culinary incompetence.

Dialing the delivery number, a staff member swiftly answered, "Hello, good morning. This is Min from Havens Cafe. What would you like to order?"

"Two cappuccinos, a French bread, and two cupcakes without sprinkles on top. Deliver to Silvestre University Gate. I'll pick it up immediately," I replied.

"Alright, Ma'am. We'll prepare your order and ensure it's delivered promptly," the staff assured.

Ending the call, I turned to re-enter the room. Just then, a knock resonated from the main door, an unexpected occurrence on a non-class day.

"Rhea," a familiar voice called my name.

Hearing it, I hurried my steps, locking the room door where Jael was sleeping. It wouldn't do for him to see her. I successfully locked the door and hide the key in my desk. Then I hurriedly opened the main door.

"Gab?" I asked, my voice unsteady.

"Why do you seem so nervous? It's me," he responded, a smile gracing his lips. He entered without further ado, brushing past me. "You didn't go home last night?"

I shook my head. "I was exhausted after the event, and I didn't planned to return home, so I just slept here."

"I returned last night and didn't find you," he noted.

"Where were you?" I asked.

"My father called me unexpectedly for an urgent business meeting. I didn't inform you since Miss Savannah whisked me away for a dance before my father's call," he explained.

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