Chapter One

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''Having somewhere to go is home. Having someone to love is family. And having both is a blessing''.


Miles could only laugh at his current situation.

Only a week ago, he had been getting his exam grades, celebrating his dad's promotion as captain and fighting the villain The Spot. He had also been dearly missing his Spider-friends from other dimensions and wondering whether he would ever see them again.

Now, he had learnt that he was an anomaly, a Spider-mistake, the Spot was some major villain HE had created by throwing a bagel at and his friends had lied to him about who he was, betraying their trust and siding with Miguel O'Hara, leader of the Spider-Society and Spiderman 2099 of Nueva York.

Now, he was on the run, probably a fugitive in Miguel's eyes, with no friends to help him, And what's worse, that stupid Go-Home machine picked up on the DNA of the spider that bit him, sending him not to his home world, but to the dimension the spider that bit him came from. 

AND he was now trapped with his Earth-42 counterpart, who was the Prowler in this universe. Here, his dad was dead and his Uncle Aaron was still alive.

It was so ridiculous that Miles couldn't help laughing.

He was staring dead in the eyes of his evil counterpart. Well, Miles didn't know whether he was evil or not. He certainly looked like a villain. But, he had to admit, his purple Jordan's were sick.

The other Miles frowned at him. ''So, you're telling me that you're me from another dimension, and you got bitten by a radioactive spider that gave you powers but that spider was supposed to bite me and now you're considered some sort of mistake and now everyone from that dumb society is after you and your dad has to die just because some stupid algorithm said so?''

''You kinda got the gist of it''. Miles replied.

Prowler-Miles stared at him for another five seconds. ''That's all well and good, but supposing those idiots use their dimensional travel machines to come here, and wreck havoc? I don't think so''.

Prowler Miles raised his glove. ''I'm sorry kid. If you're dead, they won't come looking for you. Then they won't trash my universe''.

Miles heaved a sigh. ''Yeah, I'm sorry too''.

Miles concentrated with all his might and let out a huge amount of electricity from his palms, freeing him from the chains around the punching bag. 

For a moment, just like at the society, it stunned Prowler Miles and Uncle Aaron. 

Then, they regained their bearings. ''GET BACK HERE''. Prowler Miles activated his helmet and started chasing him as Miles jumped out the window.

Miles swung away as fast as he could, but he was no match for the speed of the Prowler. 

He got to Miles after only five swings, making Miles seriously consider his swinging strength.

Prowler aimed a kick at Miles's chest which sent him off his rhythm. He fumbled with his webs and looked up in time to dodge another Prowler kick.

Miles tried to come up with something to escape. He was being beaten badly. He could feel his many cuts across his body. He was too tired to give another Venom shock. 

He turned around and mustered all the force he could into a punch. Apparently, he still had some Venom shock power on him. 

The punch blasted through the Prowler's mask sending him flying. Miles knew he had been granted a reprieve.

He sped away as fast he could, turning on his invisibility mode. After he got a fair distance, he turned. Prowler Miles was sitting on the edge of a rooftop, looking badly hurt. Miles could almost hear him whispering, ''Another day Spiderman. Until next time''.

Miles wanted to crawl up and die. He looked at his many cuts and injuries. He couldn't even go to his mom's house as his other version would be there.

He was so tired. And angry. And hungry.

He needed to hide here for a while before it was safe. Should he enroll at school? Na. Too much risk if he was caught.

He decided to stay put where he was. He lay on the fire escape and closed his eyes to rest.

Not knowing that where he was lying would change his course in this universe.




Hey guys. Z here.

Well, here's the first chapter of Spiderman Beyond the Spiderverse. Hope you liked it.

I'll try and update whenever I can.

Please check it out if you have time to spare away from Spiderman towards Batman.

Peace out.

𝐛𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 .  m.morales ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ