Chapter Two.

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''Love begins by taking care of the closest ones, the ones at home''.


Miles's eyes opened slowly. He felt himself lying on something soft and padded. He was lying on a bed. No. He was lying on someone else's bed.

His eyes opened wide as he sat up and scanned his surroundings. He was in someone's room. The room was painted white with a few strokes of pink. To be honest, it reminded him a bit forcefully of Gwen's suit. The bed was tucked in the corner of the room. There was a desk and a chair with headphones still connected to an iPhone 14. 

He tried to sit up and winced as he felt a stinging sensation. Whoever had found him, they had treated his wounds. They were all bandaged. His suit had been cleaned too and his mask lay on the bedside table next to him. 

He wasn't worried about anyone seeing his face as there was no Spiderman in this dimension and from what he gathered at his variant's place, this dimension's Miles Morales didn't get out much.

He studied the board opposite the desk. It looked like those police investigation boards, with pictures connected by thumbtacks and threads of different colors. There were pictures of different men in complicated suits, so he assumed these must be the villains of this universe.

And in the middle of the board, hung a large picture of six shadowed men. Written on the picture, in neon red, were the words, THE SINISTER SIX CARTEL. MAIN CAUSE OF EVERTHING?

He heard the about the Sinister Six Cartel from the headset which was running at Prowler Miles's hideout. They were apparently the ruling business group in this city. They consisted of six of Spiderman's greatest enemies. In different universes, the Sinister Six had different members. All of them were dangerous.

Suddenly, he heard the door creak open and a voice gasped. The voice was female and young. It reminded him of Gwen for some reason. He turned to thank her for taking care of him, but as soon as he caught sight of her, he stopped dead.

That's why her voice sounded so familiar. She looked exactly like his former best friend. 

He was talking to a variant of Gwen Stacy. The Gwen Stacy of Earth-42.

Gwen had a rough morning. She stared into the distance at the landscape of Earth-42. She knew that Miles was somewhere in this vast expanse of city. But, where?

Behind her, the others were getting ready to search the city again. Peter was trying to convince Spider-Ham to babysit Mayday. As only Peter, Hobie and her were going to search, he needed someone to take care of his daughter. 

''I promise,'' he was saying, ''she won't web you up. And you have Peni, Noir and Pav for help''.

Ham snorted. ''I suppose so''. He reluctantly took the baby in his arms.

''Right then'', Hobie stared at the city, ''we gotta lot of ground to cover before nightfall, so let's get a move on, yeah?''

Peter pulled up his mask and smiled at Gwen. ''We'll find him Gwen''.

Gwen smiled back at him. ''Yeah. We will. We have to''.

She turned back to Pav. ''Look after them Pav. And rest up too. We need you at full strength at night''.

Pav winked at her. ''Don't worry Gwen. We'll be alright. Besides, what's the worse that can happen?''

Gwen stared at the Brooklyn of Earth-42. ''I'll find you Miles.'' She muttered to herself. ''And I will make things right. That's a promise''.






Miles stared at the other Gwen.

She looked about two years younger than the Gwen he was familiar with. For one thing, she had her blonde hair intact. Behind her glasses, her pearl-blue eyes gleamed with fascination. 

''Um, hi'', she said cautiously. ''Are you alright? You looked pretty beat up''.

''Y-Yeah'', Miles finally found his tongue. ''Um thanks''.

''Yeah no problem''.

There was an awkward silence. ''So, uh, what's your name?''

''Oh, right. I'm Miles. Miles Morales.''

''Oh. I'm Gwen Stacy''.

''Nice to meet you''.

''Yeah, you too''.

Another stretch of silence. Miles tried to break the tension. ''So, uh, Gwen, what is this?'' He gestured toward the board. ''Your father's investigative board or something?''

Gwen narrowed her eyes. ''No. It's mine. I'm an intern at Brooklyn Police''.


''So, Miles'', she crossed the room and sat down on the bed, ''I think you owe me an explanation. What happened to you? Why were you so beaten up? What is that suit? Are you some sort of superhero?''

Miles didn't know how to react. He was just pure stunned. Last time, he was his friend, she had just admitted that she had been lying to him and knew that his father was supposed to die. But she hadn't done anything about it and even helped Miguel and Jess try to capture him.

He wasn't sure what he felt about her anymore. On one had, he was really mad with her about not telling him anything and treating him like some sort of kid.

On the other hand, she was one of Miles's most trusted friends and he didn't abandon his friends like that. He wasn't a bad guy. But he knew, that when they faced each other they would have to have a serious talk.

''First of all, I'm sorry if I seem a bit awkward, '' he started, ''I've just been through a lot today''.

Gwen's face softened. ''Oh alright. I'm sorry for being a bit pushy. You know, being a cop and all, you think you're good at talking to people''.

''Well, Gwen,'' he continued, ''I'll tell you everything. But you need to keep an open mind and believe in the impossible''.

Gwen nodded ''I can do that''.

''Ok then,'' he sighed, ''my name is Miles Morales and I was bitten by a radioactive spider.....''






𝐛𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 .  m.morales ✔️Where stories live. Discover now