Chapter Five.

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"Time together as a family is a gift."


Gwen peered through the bushes as Peter and Hobie argued about this being a wrong decision.

''It might have just been a normal explosion,'' Hobie was saying, ''I mean have you looked at this place bruv?''

''Listen, something happened here. Probably, it hasn't come outside, but when it does..''

''LOOK,'' Gwen cried. Peter and Hobie rushed over.

The doors of the lab had spilled open, revealing a young girl running full speed away from three men, all of whom Gwen guessed were villains based on their dress code alone.

''Wait a minute,'' Hobie peered closely at the young woman, ''Gwendy, that looks awfully like...''

''I know,'' she muttered. It was impossible. But, she was staring at a variant of herself, the Gwen Stacy of Earth-42.

Peter frowned. ''What's a variant of yourself doing, causing a racket at Alchemax?''

Gwen didn't know. As she was cornered, by the three villains, she felt she was missing something. She narrowed her eyes as her variant was making some kind of speech.

Gwen stared at the three villains staring down at her. This was the single craziest day of her life.

''Doctor Octopus,'' she murmured, ''Electro. And Green Goblin. Oh my god, I can't believe I'm facing all three of you''.

Green Goblin sneered at her. ''Who are you, girl? Why were you snooping in our top-secret lab?''

Gwen stumbled to get up. ''Ok. Listen, we didn't come to snoop on you specifically. We came to get information for my friend. He's uh sick''.

Octavius crossed his arms. ''You really expect us to believe that you came to Alchemax Labs to find a cure for your friend who's sick?''


Electro sighed. ''I'm tired of her. Can I kill her?''


''Now, before you kill me'', Gwen slipped again, ''I suggest you don't.''

''And why not?'' Octavius smiled cruelly.

''My friend isn't gonna like it''. She moved out the way as Miles swung in, removing his invisibility mode.

''Surprise, motherfucker'' he said as he punched Octopus in the face, sending him sprawling.

Gwen watched as her alternate version stepped aside as if waiting for someone. Gwen didn't get it, but Peter seemed to as he gripped Hobie's arm and started laughing.

Just as Gwen was about to ask him about it, she caught a flash of movement.

She turned in time to witness Miles Morales come in and punch Doctor Octopus in the face.

𝐛𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 .  m.morales ✔️Where stories live. Discover now