Chapter Four.

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"A happy family is but an earlier heaven."


Miles crawled through the air vents of Alchemax. This lab was similar to the one on his home world so he could navigate through them with ease through memory. Behind him, Gwen followed quietly, occasionally ducking to avoid cobwebs or rats.

He tried to get a peek into the different labs as they passed, but all he could see was heavy machinery and gleaming white stuff which Miles didn't have a clue about.

As they passed yet another lab, and Miles was thinking it was a mistake coming here, Gwen gasped silently. ''Look,'' she pointed with her chin.

In the lab below, stood three figures. Three men who looked ... different.

All three were standing in front of a massive machine which looked familiar to Miles.
A collider.
Oh no... not again.

The first man looked familiar enough. He looked exactly like Olivia Octavius on his home dimension with four bionic octopus-arms. But this man was male.

The other two Miles wasn't familiar with.

One of them looked like an old and respected scientist with brown hair and an old face. But, his face was lit up with an insane smile, leaving Miles questioning who the hell this guy was?

The other one looked normal enough, with dark hair cropped short and an oversized jacket and converse shoes. But, he radiated energy. Literal energy. His eyes glowed with blue electricity. His hands also kept twitching.

''It's almost done, my friends,'' Doctor Octopus was saying, ''once this machine reaches maximum power, we shall be able to use it to extend our influence to every universe in existence''.

Gwen's eyes widened. ''Miles,'' she said slowly, ''those are the people I told you about. These three are members of the Sinister Six''.

Miles let that sink in. There were only three villains here. There were two of them. One with the powers of a Spider and a superhero, and the other an inexperienced teenager whose life might be in danger.

He couldn't take the risk. He nodded and motioned Gwen to keep silent and keep watching.

The electric guy sighed in frustration. "Listen Otto, the others are worried. The city's crime rate is going down. It doesn't help that the Prowler is slowing things down for us."

Miles's eyes widened. The Prowler was slowing them down? He was a good guy?

Before he could contemplate this thought, Otto said, "There is no need to worry, Max. Once this machine is ready, we will conquer the multiverse. Everyone shall fall at the feet of the Sinister Six."

He turned to Gwen. "I think we got the information we need. Let's get outta here".

But it was precisely then that Gwen's hand pricked a loose wire and she yelped.

''Who's there?'' Three voices said simultaneously.

Oh boy. Miles cracked his neck. Time to fight.

𝐛𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 .  m.morales ✔️Where stories live. Discover now