Part 2: Agents of Injustice

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A New Life and a New Day

Where we find out about two agents following the trail of destruction, the trail of a certain mage, and that of a special baetylus.

"Can you smell that?" Liam proclaimed, looking at the destroyed Break City from atop a pile of rubble at the dock.

"Did you eat something weird again?" Conroy perked his brow, getting off of the small boat, and reluctantly paying a silver piece to the boatman, who turned and started rowing back to a larger ship in the canal, leaving the duo upon the broken pier.

"No! Can't you smell that? Opportunity, Conroy, opportunity!" Liam pointed toward the ruined city, filled with some people walking over the hills of stone and wood. And a lot of trash.

"Actually I do smell something, uhggGHhhh..." Conroy covered his nose and mouth with his arm, looking around to see where that scent was coming from "Ah fink da suwer as up-tuned." he said through the hand.

"What?" Liam said loudly, looking around in triumph, like a discoverer of a new land too busy with his own accomplishment to accomplish anything else.

"Ah sed-"

"I can't hear you, Conroy. But I think the sewer has upturned from whatever happened here." Liam sniffed. Unbothered, he pushed toward the mountains of broken Break City (in this case more rubble) before him.

Conroy sighed. He took out a simple piece of cloth from his backpack and put it over his mouth. Liam already had a mask on, that's probably why he could act like an idiot undisturbed.

Striding, or rather, climbing across the once-streets of Break City, they stumbled onto this large hill-like terrain of white and grey. Building's remains, or maybe the sewer stone itself has twisted with it? Conroy assumed, looking at his map to try and make sense of where they were supposed to be, but realizing his efforts were for nought. Break City was here, but nowhere to be found.

They spotted a person on top of said hill, looking like he was debating whether or not he should bother taking rocks from one point to another point. Conroy had no idea what he was thinking, perhaps a heat stroke.

"What happened here?" Liam asked the moment they arrived at the top.

The tired-looking man, wearing a simple white shirt, grabbed what looked like an overcoat from the ground and wiped his brow. Given both his clothes, and overcoat were dirty, he just looked to be smearing some dust further across his brow, much to Conroy's distress.

"Everything's dead. What does it look like?" The man said in a bitter, cynical tone, barely glancing at the two before he found the sight of the nearby canal more to his liking.

Conroy was unimpressed, if annoyed. Liam was unphased, if now more compelled to keep poking at the resisting target.

"Yes, I could see the people's parts rotting all over the place. I mean what caused it." Liam poked with verbal savagery at the disgruntled-looking man.

The man gave a soft grunt. He seemed about to snap but sighed, and decided instead to look too cool to care. The problem is, that once people see you care, it's hard to take it back.

"There was a shadow, something so big it blocked out Terra. Dust everywhere, people screaming. I lost my house. You're happy now?" The man made a point to look away, grab another rock, pull it, realize halfway that he was too tired and not built for the process, dropped it, and then sighed in both fatigue and the realization he failed at looking aloof and cool with that. A hand covering his eyes.

"A shadow big enough to block the sun?" Conroy asked. That part piqued his interest. Shadows were a rare form of undead, and they usually had to correspond to the size of the creature. One of the few ways to tell where it came from originally would be its silhouette.

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