Never ask for more than you can give

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Where we learn a bit more about our pair of mercenaries, both inside and out.

"You're a wizard?" Adam asked as they were waiting for a gnoll ferry, over by the exit to the city of Artifice.

"Yes." Ezra snapped at Adam.

"I thought wizards were supposed to use words and signs and read from books. You didn't use any back in the carriage, or on the merchant's stall." Adam said, in between taking a bite out of his crisped fish with hummus in a loaf.

"I can do both." Ezra folded his arms and looked over to the river at the gnolls readying the vessel.

The gnolls, as far as Ezra could tell, were mangy creatures looking like all the most rabid parts of hyenas, desert foxes, wolves and hounds standing on two legs, with hunched gaits.

"Both spirit-magic and wizardry?" Adam asked.

"Spirit-magic?" Ezra perked up and glanced over at Adam.

"Yes... magic that spirits of the earth... wood... land... and, uhm... rivers can use, or those who teach themselves by watching the spirits." Adam recited, his eyes gazing upwards and his mouth slightly agape like someone trying to recall an old lecture.

"Mmh..." Ezra considered this for a moment. "Something like that."

Adam nodded, considering the information.

Adam never met a wizard. He'd heard very little about them from rumours. He only met innate or spirit-magic casters. Ezra isn't likely an innate caster, most humans aren't, not being drawn to any particular power. Spirit-magic or innate magic is hard to manifest and control at higher levels, yet Ezra could do both spirit-magic and wizardry to such a powerful extent. If wizardry is that rare, shouldn't it be harder?

"I haven't heard much about wizardry in the Empire, or much about Tayon except a lot of curses. Why is that?" Adam followed up.

Adam considered that maybe wizardry wasn't that rare, but then why would the merchant try to buy the spellbook?

"Wizardry is taught only in EverIce, everyone knows that, at least officially. So you better get that into your thick head. As for Tayon, he's the asshole that controls EverIce, and the entire southwestern side of Zensuon, so you better know him too." Ezra made a louder-than-it-should-be comeback and glared at the insistently questioning warrior, who for his tastes seemed too calm and enjoyed that hummus-filled patty way too much.

"You look like you never had a sandwich before." Ezra narrowed his eyes.

"Not one like this," Adam admitted.

Adam looked back up at Ezra from the meal, "So you're from EverIce, but you're in the Empire?" Adam questioned.

Would the mage be willing to switch sides for something like work at a mercenary company? If so, knowing if gold could buy his allegiance could be good.

"What? No. I've lived in the Empire my entire life. My father taught me wizardry." Ezra grunted and rose up from his comfortable leaning position to face the larger man.

"Since when did you become so talkative?" Ezra snapped at the now more eating-focused Adam.

It was somewhat disarming for Ezra to see this previously silent, brooding, large man enjoy himself with a meal like an explorer discovering a new land in a bun.

"It's important to understand the capabilities of your allies in battle." Adam began after a long pause.

Adam finished the meal and cleaned his fingers the only way worth anything- with his mouth, "So you may ride together in safety." The man finished with a glare down at the mage.

"Allies?" Ezra considered this for a moment, and laughed. "I guess for this mission I'll have to consider you capable until you prove otherwise, you did seem to hold your own outside the city. Just don't count on me saving your ass if you get caught." Ezra stated, pointing at Adam with an upraised finger.

Adam smirked.

So his father taught him wizardry, and when I started poking at it he snapped back?

A person attached to his family, and so emotional, is bound to make the wrong decision come time. I might have to drop him when that happens.

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