Trying to Break Out of Break City

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Where our two unlawful agents try their old ways of trickery that are new to us to get out of a destroyed city.

"What are you doing here?" A rugged voice inquired roughly.

"Surely, I am attempting to pass, m'lord! By the name of my god!" A pleading voice sang hopefully.

"Ark, you have no manner of a writ of passage?! Then ye shall not enter!" The rough voice ruggedly exclaimed.

"I think you meant exit." Conroy stopped Liam's (rather good) impersonation of the scene below them. They were by the exit to the city now, the most eastward passageway that should lead them to pier-town at the end of this island peninsula, but currently, it was blocked on both sides, with entry blockade on the outside and exit blockade on the inside. The exit was filled with commoners regretting leaving, or offering food in exchange for entry, while the exit was currently assailed by what appeared to be men of the cloth harassing the guards for something, which Liam was adamant to regale him the possible tale of what was going on.

"Right, sure. So what's the plan?" Liam plunged straight to the point- that point in time when Conroy decides what they should do.

"We've gathered that the only two forces that still have influence here are the nobility and guard, while it's hard to know how well the remaining guards know other guards, I bet it's unlikely the guards know all the nobility. The Terran faith seems to be struggling a bit, so we'll skip that." Conroy quickly assessed to the best of his ability, watching the heated exchange below.

"So?..." Liam perked a brow, causing the blue mask he was wearing to stretch accordingly.

"So we find a place for you to change, and for me to take a break in." Conroy motioned Liam north.

Liam saluted and ventured down the hill. Conroy walked at a distance by him. Walking for a while under the hot Terra. Conroy got himself a reprieve with the potion but found himself starting to try and ignore the itch in his hand coming back. It wasn't enough. If this gets out of hand he'll start getting scratch marks in, and then what'll be his excuse? He diverted his own attention to the plane, once more. Yes, they were better coming from the north-east, when Liam gets his new self the guards at the gate will see us coming from the noble district's direction and it'll make it more believable. As long as we find someplace soo-

-ccrrAsSHHHH ... -n? Conroy blinked.

Conroy perked his head up, bewildered, looking as Liam descended with a "GAAAaaahhhhhhhhhh...hhhTHUD"

A pause.

Conroy coughed, then said "Are you alrig-"

"-I'm alright!" Liam shouted from inside.

"You should watch where you're going." Conroy walked forward, feeling somewhat relieved that he had something to take his mind off of his hand, as again he yanked one hand from the other.

"I seem to have found a cave!" Liam proclaimed, as the first explorer of the ruins of Break City.

"More like a hole, really." Conroy claimed, looking down now at the shady semi-cave. There was a somewhat decent tunnel inside that led into the darkness within, but who knew how safe that was, given it just collapsed.

"It wasn't exactly what I was thinking about when I said I wanted to find a quiet place for us to take a break in." Conroy said, but he was smirking nonetheless.

"I think I'll change my clothes first, you can go after." Liam waved and started going into the darkness of the quasi-cave.

"It could collapse on y-" Conroy said half coherently before Liam was already gone into the blackness.

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