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Harry, Remus and Celeste were walking down the path of the Cottage. Harry gasped slightly looking at the beautiful cottage. "Wow! It's beautiful" "it's home." Remus and Celeste grinned. Just now the screen specifically zoomed onto the top of house where a carving was engraved, "The Marauders Home"

"OMG!!!! IT'S OUR HOME!!!" The Marauders squealed, "Lucky" Barty mumbled bitterly, he too wanted to stay with his friends.

"Don't worry!! This time we all will be staying together!!" Celeste grinned at him. The Slytherin's and Gryffindor's shared uneasy glances knowing they don't get along. "Oh don't be like that! We need to have each other's back.. we fight playfully but we don't mean it most of the time!! It's just stupid, childish house rivalry. We are just.. friends.." her eyes glossed making James say-"She is right! And honestly I think we do get along if we try!!" That man will do anything for his sister to be happy.

Remus nodded, "Yeah! Besides I get to live with my brother too!!" Sirius grinned pulling Regulus in a side hug making him grin. Rodolphus and Bella looked uneasy, "We know that some of us might have done something bad in future, but if they are willing change then we are willing to accept." Alice smiled at the Lestrange couple.

"Come one Cousin join the hug!! You too Andy!" Sirius grinned making them smile and joing the hug of him and Regulus.

"Yayy!!!! We will be having so much fun!!"

Neville ran down the stairs and crushed Harry in a hug, latter returning with just as much excitement. Remus pulled Celeste in a side hug as she pouts slightly looking at her two god son's. "Finally you are here mate!!" Neville grinned happily.

"I'm glad too!" Harry smiled as the family walked inside. "Harry, you can share the room with Neville for the night. Me and Moony will set your room by tomorrow." She said to him as he nodded. "Come on, I'll show you my room and many more stuff to discuss!" Neville practically shoved Harry to his room.

"Aye! I like there Friendship!!" James grinned happily. "Omg!! Imagine our kids growing up together!! With their Parents and family" Alice smiled warmly.

Celeste pulled her into a bun as her and Moony walked into the kitchen. With a click of her wand she started cooking and gave Remus a pissed off look. "That Wench was getting paid to abuse our fucking Nephew!!" She practically hissed the words, "Celeste you need to calm down. Anger will get you nowhere. We need to find out who is the one paying her" Moony said

"Trust me the day I do find out, they will be no less than dead" she said in a deadly whisper. Remus stopped her hands as he made her look at him. Her eyes a bit glassy. "What happened Honey?" He asked softly, "After thirteen years of pain. I saw James Moony.. " her voice vulnerable as Remus bring in a comforting hug.

James abruptly turn to his sister, "Sister you can't keep doing this to yourself. You have your own life that is much bigger and valuable then me. You can't keep doing this to yourself, I love you and I will always no matter if I'm alive or not... But if you get to live, don't just waste it in poor old me" he pouted slightly as Celeste jabbed him.

"I hate you"

"I hate you too"

"He wouldn't want you to be like this Claws, come on. You were so full of life, you have just turned...... Mature!" Remus chuckles making her hit him.

"Shut up and help me!" The two served the food on table. "Kids!! Dinner is ready!" Celeste yelled as the two scrambled towards the dinning table.

"Dig in." Celeste looked at Harry who was eating while talking to Neville. "So Harry honey, do you have a girlfriend?" She asked making him choke on his dinner.

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