Scaramouche, assassin?/Chapter 2

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Kazuha's breathing was getting faster, he was panicking.
"Who are you and why are you doing this?!"
He asked, his voice filled with fear.

The assassin chuckled again, the sound of his laugh becoming even more menacing as time passes.
???: "...You really want to know, don't you? Very well, I'd be happy to answer that question. My name..."

"My name is Scaramouche."
The assassin chuckled once more, revealing a sharp-toothed grin.

"...And I'm doing this to prove to the world that I'm better than everyone else. That's all you need to know."
Scara's smile became a sadistic leer.

Kazuha looked at Scaramouche in surprise. Was he really doing this just because he wanted to be better than everyone else?
Kazuha sighed, he needed to run away otherwise his life would end here.
He winked at Scaramouche to distract him and said:
"Very well, Scaramouche."
He turned on the ground to the left, got up and ran away.

Scaramouche's eyes widened in surprise, as if he wasn't expecting that. His expression quickly changed into an indignant scowl.

"Hey! Where are you going? Are you telling me..."
Scara quickly ran after Kazuha, the footsteps getting closer and closer.

Kazuha kept running fast, he was literally running through all the maze, not knowing where he was going.

The knife flew at the back of Kazuha's head, the assassin's aim was perfect thanks to the distance. It wasn't far but not close either. Scaramouche has never felt this excited in a while. He can't wait to see Kazuha's dead body in front of him.
Kazuha kept running through the maze, not knowing that death was hot on his tails. How long will this chase last?

Luckily, Kazuha felt to the ground when the knife was about to hit him, he then, stood up and noticed the knife falling in the ground, his heart skipped a beat, he didn't got stabbed.

Scaramouche took a minute to process this turn of events before he started laughing. He laughed so much, he was on the verge of losing his breath, never in his life had he seen someone avoid his attack by sheer luck. Scaramouche's grin grew even wider, a face of mock-admiration.
Kazuha could feel the assassin's footsteps getting closer. Scaramouche was right behind him, he could kill Kazuha any second now.

Scaramouche tripped over a rock and fell on top of Kazuha, they were face-to-face.

Scaramouche laughed as he looked straight into Kazuha's eyes.
"Heeheeee! You really thought that silly trick would save your ass, didn't you?"
The two were really face-to-face, with Scaramouche on top of Kazuha. Their lips were almost touching, although the distance wasn't too close. The feeling was uncomfortable and hot.
Scaramouche's lips were also really close to Kazuha's neck — it may or may not be intentional.

Kazuha looked at Scaramouche in fear, but he also thought that Scaramouche was quite handsome.
"No... No no no... Get off me, don't kill me!"
His voice was filled with fear once again.

"...Hehehe, I like it when you're scared. It reminds me of how much of a pathetic coward you really are."
Scara lifted Kazuha's head and put both of his hands under his chin, forcing their faces even closer.
"...Your eyes, your lips... they tell me that you like my closeness. What a disgusting being you are."
Scaramouche laughed again, his eyes glowing with malice yet at the same time filled with amusement.

Kazuha was shocked by Scara's words.
He was kinda angry now.

Scaramouche, on the other hand, was delighted by Kazuha's response. He was expecting something like this to happen, so seeing it in action was quite entertaining for him.
He chuckled, still amused.
"...I thought you were afraid, yet now you suddenly sound bold."
The smile on the assassin's face was still there, his teeth gleaming in the bright sunshine. He was still holding the knife under Kazuha's chin.
"My, your attitude is more surprising than expected."

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