Confusion/Chapter 10

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Dottore wasn't listening to him, he was going to leave. But then something happened that no one expected.
"...Heh...? What's that sound?"
Scaramouche was confused.

Dottore looked back.

When Dottore turned around, he looked at Scara and yelled.
"Signora, you can come."
Signora then appeared... After 500 years, she was alive?!

The truth was, Signora was indeed stabbed by Scaramouche 500 years ago, but she managed to survive, because when Scaramouche had left, she was still conscious to flee. She didn't win the prize, but she saved her life.

"Hello, my former partner... Remember me? Who is your current victim being manipulated by your tricks?"
Signora looked at Scaramouche with a cold gaze.

Scaramouche was looking at Signora in shock.
"You... I can't believe you survived... how did you do it?"
He was still angry because his mission was failing, he needed to find Kazuha, and now Signora was in his way.
"I have a job that I must do... I can't talk with you anymore."
He turned around, he was about to leave this place. He couldn't believe that Signora was alive right now.

Dottore left the maze, he was an assassin so he didn't get any prize, he could leave and enter it whenever he wanted.

Signora stood there, she spoke without any emotion.
"Who are you manipulating now?"

Scaramouche had already no patience, he was about to kill Signora again and make sure that she wouldn't survive anymore.

He was very confused right now, he didn't know if it was smart to kill Signora or not. It depended on the answer she gave to his question.
"...I'm currently manipulating Kazuha. We're very close."

Signora looked at him for a moment, she was trying to decide what she was going to do.

Scara sighed.
"...So? What are you going to do?"
There was a chance that she was going to try to kill Scaramouche, he was ready to fight her.

Signora shed only one tear, which fell to the floor.
"Poor boy, he must think you really love him, just like I did."
She looked at Scaramouche.
"You can kill me, I just wanted to know... why did you manipulate me? I always gave my best for you."

Scaramouche had to deal with all the confusion, he couldn't understand how this was happening, not just because Signora was alive now, but also because of the things she said.
He finally realized what she meant when she said "Poor boy". She wanted to hurt him.
Signora was a danger, she was a real threat to him at this point and that's why he started to focus on his goal, he had to kill Signora again, the person who manipulated him the whole time he knew her.

Signora stood there, still with an emotionless expression.
"So? Answer my question."

Scaramouche didn't even respond, he just took his knife and cut the Signora's head and arms off so she would never be able to survive again.

The truth is, Scaramouche never liked her, she was a little older than Scara, and he hated that too. Besides, why would he like a woman he met in a labyrinth? His job is to kill, and it was really stupid that she thought he liked her.

Scaramouche left, and continued on his way until, to find the last living victim in the labyrinth: Kazuha.
He had an idea of where he would be.
Kazuha was perhaps the person he most "loved" in his life, no woman was able to satisfy him like Kazuha did, maybe Scaramouche was more interested in men after all.

The body of Signora fell into the floor, once more, Scaramouche had "killed" her. He was still confused about everything that was happening tonight, but he didn't want to spend more time here trying to find out what was going on.
He was walking around the labyrinth, he was looking for Kazuha so he could finally leave this place. Once he was near him, Scaramouche approached him and tapped on his shoulder.
"Kazuha, you're alive!"
He smiled at him and hugged him, he was glad to see him.

Kazuha was surprised to see Scara, but he immediately hugged him back and smiled.
"Scara! Darling, are you okay?"
He asked,
in his usual calm and kind voice.

He hugged Kazuha back, smiling back at him a little bit.
"I'm fine... everything is fine. I managed to kill everyone in the maze."
He sounded a little bit proud about it, because, in fact, he had killed them all.
"What about you? You're here, so I'm guessing you survived."
He looked like he was waiting for an answer from Kazuha.

Kazuha smiled and kissed Scaramouche in the cheek, he didn't even realize that Scara was still holding a knife.
"Yes! Well, I'm glad you're here too."
He looked at Scaramouche in the eyes.
"Also, I managed to know where is the exist of the maze, I was waiting for you!"

He felt that Kazuha's kiss, but at the same time, he was feeling the knife in his own hand, if he had accidentally stabbed Kazuha now, it would be horrible, he didn't even want to think about it.
He placed the knife down, in order to avoid having any accidents here.
He looked at Kazuha for a moment, he was glad to have him here, at his side.
"I'm tired... all I want is to get out of this place..."

"Darling, you have the map of the maze, you're the assassin of this, you were hired to do this work, you can leave anytime you want."
Kazuha laughed, he was teasing Scaramouche, but then, he hugged him tightly again.
"You're warm..."

Scaramouche's heart was racing after hearing that "I'm warm..." comment.
He looked down a little bit and then came face-to-face with Kazuha, looking at him with a calm expression.
"Are you flirting with me?"
He asked that in a teasing tone, as if he was flirting back with Kazuha.
"You know, you should be careful."
He looked at Kazuha again and laughed.

Kazuha laughed too, he looked at Scaramouche, while grabbing his waist.
"Yes, I am."
He kissed Scaramouche.

Scaramouche was surprised by the kiss, but he did liked that surprise, he leaned into the kiss while grabbing Kazuha's body so they would be even closer.
They ended the kiss almost immediately, however, both of them were still smiling with their lips a little bit closer.
"I guess I should be careful, then."
He laughed, he knew full well he was flirting back with Kazuha.

Kazuha laughed.
"You're adorable, even with blood in your face and clothes."
He put his hand on Scara's cheek.
"So cute and squishy!"

Scaramouche laughed and blushed, he was feeling a little bit hot right now.
He couldn't help but blush more when Kazuha called him "adorable, even with blood in your face and clothes." He liked that compliment, but he liked more what Kazuha said after that.
"So cute and squishy."
He chuckled. "You liked the touch, huh?"
He placed his hand on Kazuha's other cheek and looked at him.
Then, he kissed him again.

Kazuha kissed him back, smiling.
Then, Kazuha hugged him again.
"Scaramouche, you're ver-"
Kazuha was interrupted by a voice coming out of the radio that was all over the maze.

"K6, congratulations, you're the last player alive. Don't celebrate, it's not like you're going to win the prize anyways, death is coming."
The radio voice stopped, it was from the same woman speaking when the labyrinth started.

Kazuha looked at Scaramouche and grabbed his hand.
"Let's go to the exit..."

Scaramouche stayed silent, listening to the woman's voice.
Once she stopped talking, he looked at Kazuha with a little bit more curiosity, trying to understand what was going on.

When Kazuha grabbed his hand, Scaramouche had the answer to his question, Kazuha was in front of him, and he was one of his victims.
Scaramouche looked at Kazuha with a calm expression, he knew it was time to kill him.

Before Scaramouche tried to kill him, he waited for Kazuha to guide him to the maze's exit, when they arrived, Kazuha hugged him tightly.
"You're going to come out of the maze with me, right?"
Kazuha looked at Scaramouche...

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