Killing machine/Chapter 7

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Scaramouche took the clothes and dressed himself quickly. It took some effort, but he finally put on everything he was wearing before their little... "break." He smiled, he was very happy from this outcome.
"Thank you, my dear Kazuha. You know, you're a treasure, and I'm very proud of having spent time with you here."
He went close to him.
"By any chance... can I ask you for a favor?"...

Kazuha smiled.
"Sure, I'll do anything, except killing people, I'm not doing that."
He laughed a little bit.

Scaramouche nodded, he wanted to ask something a little bit unusual.
"I won't ask you that then. But... would you stay with me a little bit longer? If you wouldn't mind it, I mean."
He chuckled a bit, he wasn't ready to be alone after all this experience.

Kazuha raised an eyebrow, still smiling.
"So, does that mean you're planning on killing me right now?"
He chuckled. He was still unsure if Scara would really kill him at the end, he tought that Scara wouldn't do that so he wasn't afraid.

Scaramouche laughed nervously when hearing the question.
"No, no... I'm not planning that... I just want... your company..."
He felt that Kazuha's doubts were only natural after everything that he had done until now.
"Please, I swear I won't hurt you. I just need... your presence."

Kazuha laughed.
"Great lie, my dear assassin."
He lay down on Scara's lap.
"But I'll stay a little longer, I need to keep finding the exit of this maze..."

Scaramouche sighed in relief when hearing Kazuha's reply, he laid down on top of him, and hugged him tightly.
"Thank you, really. It's just that... I want to spend time with you."
He stayed very close to Kazuha, and he looked at him with the most sincere face he could make.
"I don't want to be alone."
He looked so vulnerable when saying that, if he wasn't so dangerous you would've thought he was adorable.

Kazuha then thought of something, he looked at Scaramouche and then asked in curiosity.
"Well, then why did you kill the people that were close to you? Why did you manipulate them just like you're doing with me?"
His voice was calm and kind, he was only asking, not trying to offend.

Scaramouche thought about it and stayed quiet for a moment, it was easy for him to lie at that point, but he decided to be honest with him.
"I don't really have an answer for that."
He sighed, he felt that talking to Kazuha like this made him feel a little bit more comfortable and less lonely.
"I was very lonely. I never had anyone that I could count on, and when they died... part of me felt happy because I wouldn't have to feel lonely anymore."

Kazuha looked at him again, filled with curiosity.
"What about La Signora? In her letters, she mentioned that she was the last survivor of the maze 500 years ago, and that she loved you, but you manipulated and killed her at the end. The letter also said that you killed everyone at that maze years ago, and that no one had ever won..."
He was still curious, and his voice was still kind.

Scaramouche didn't know what to say, but he decided to be completely honest with Kazuha once again.
"That is true. She cared for me a lot, and she was the last person in the entire maze. Her kindness was a weakness."
He felt like it was right to be honest with Kazuha, he felt like he deserved some recognition because of this honesty even if he had done terrible things.
"I'm not proud of it, but I still did it. I don't have any excuse for what I've done."

Kazuha was feeling a little bit uncomfortable now, thinking that Scara will maybe kill him too, made him be afraid again.
Kazuha stood up.
"Well, I'm going to continue finding an exist for the maze... You can continue to kill people until I'm the last I guess..."
He sighed, he wasn't truly okay with Scara killing people but he accepted it.
"See you later!"
He smiled.

Scaramouche felt confused, he didn't know if Kazuha was joking or not. He wanted to tell him to come back, but he couldn't speak.
Kazuha was walking away, then Scaramouche grabbed him with one hand and pulled him back to him.
"... You will come back... right?"
He sounded desperate.
"Wait, please... don't leave me."
He was very confused and he didn't understand anything that was happening at that moment.

Kazuha chuckled and kissed Scaramouche on the cheek.
"Yes, I will come back, don't worry. I just wanna try to find an exit, I'm not going away."
He smiled.

Scaramouche was very relieved at his answer, he was very afraid that he would be alone once again.
"... Okay. I'm... happy to hear that."
He got up again, and he looked at him with a soft smile, he wanted to hug him again, but he wasn't sure if Kazuha would want it.
"Then... be safe, dear Kazuha."
He looked at him with that same soft smile.

Kazuha smiled and waved to him.
"I'll be safe, see you later, Scara!"
He walked away and tried to find an exist, still unable to.

Meanwhile that, Scara went in search for the last people alive in the maze, holding the knife in his hands.

He walked around the maze, with the knife in hand... It was easier to find people now since they were fewer and fewer every day. Scaramouche felt like he was already becoming one with the maze, he knew every turn, and he could go anywhere with ease.

He entered a new room, and he saw someone hiding in a corner there...
"I've found another one..." He thought, he would be very quick in ending this person's life, there were few people left to kill now, it was almost the time for the final part of his mission.

Scaramouche killed most of the people left, the amount of people that were there decreased from 100 to 50, and from 50 to 20. There were 20 people left, and they were all working as a team, except for two, Kazuha who was on his own and one other person too.
Scaramouche spent hours killing, his body was covered in blood, now finding people was more complicated since there were only 20 left.

As the number of people in the maze decreased, Scaramouche was finding it more and more difficult to find people. He was wasting so much time trying to figure out where they were hiding. Even when he discovered a group of people, he had to be careful and kill them one at a time.
He was very tired, and his body was completely covered in blood, he had no idea how much time had passed since he started this mission, but he was not going to rest until everyone in that maze was dead...

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