Kazuha?/Chapter 12

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Then, once he felt ready, he left the room without giving Raiden a second thought.

It was time to begin the mission...

The next day, it was night, and as usual, Raiden Ei's voice was coming out of the labyrinth's radio, explaining the rules and warning them to be careful, since the people who entered there never knew that it was an assassination maze.

There were several players, over 600. Scaramouche was preparing in the assassination room near the maze, and when the match would start, he would start his mission.
He would kill all those people in one night.

Once the mission had officially begun, Scaramouche entered the labyrinth wearing his assassination outfit, with the knife in his hand. This time, he made sure to be fast and efficient, after all, those were his orders.

He approached the first target, one of the first players that appeared right next to him, they were a little away from the others, so Scaramouche could swiftly kill them without causing much trouble.

A few seconds later, he had successfully assassinated the first target, with no signs of emotion on his face, with no mercy either.

Scaramouche was killing, faster and more efficiently than ever, screams of despair and people running, shouting words like:
"Do not kill me please!"
"I regret being here!"
"Please stop!"

Scaramouche clearly didn't care for any of the words, and continued killing everyone. Cutting off the heads of several, some with their arms cut off, others torn apart, Scaramouche did everything to give these people intense pain in death.

Quickly, in less than 30 minutes, Scaramouche killed 50 people.

The sounds of screams and panic of the others was not even reaching his ears, he was fully concentrated on the mission, he had one purpose, to kill all of those players that Raiden Ei had chosen. There was nothing else that mattered to him, it was either him or them, that was the only thing on his mind.

He didn't feel anything, neither hatred nor affection towards them, only the need to complete his mission, to fulfill his role, he was just doing his job.

So, he kept killing, and killing, and killing.

Dottore was once again in the labyrinth, and he ran into Scaramouche faster than he thought.
"Oh? After 500 years you still kill?"

Scaramouche turned to look at Dottore, he was killing another player, and it didn't take too long for him to finish him off.
"Hello, Doctor. Yes, it's my duty to kill, it's what I do on occasion."
He was cold, even when speaking, and he said everything in a monotone voice, without letting any emotion slip out of his lips.
"Who is your target?"
He was looking ahead, looking for his next victim, while replying to the Doctor's question.

Dottore smiled and took the knife out of his pocket, a knife that could kill puppets, it was one of his newest experiments.
"Well, I'm still an assassin too."
He laughed.
"My next target is you."
It seems that this time Scaramouche had a new challenge, Dottore entered here being just a "player", but it seems that deep down he wanted to kill Scaramouche.

Scaramouche narrowed his eyes, and for a moment he studied Dottore, trying to guess what his next move would be.
In that time, Dottore was already getting ready to try and kill Scaramouche, but it wouldn't be so easy.
Scaramouche was ready to defend himself, he had trained for this for a long time, and he would try his best to not disappoint Raiden Ei, by letting someone try and kill him.
"A worthy opponent, let us have a duel then."

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