Ch. 16 - "내 모습이 더는 두렵지 않은 tonight"

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Recap: (F/N) took it easy this time around and decided to get things done. Unlike the original run, she woke up two hours earlier and decided to go shopping. After running into and bonding with Nanami for the first time, she decides to spend time home for majority of the day. Later on, she spills her healing abilities to Toji, which he suprisingly takes really well. Once it was nearing the time for the "parade," she goes to Shoko's location to help around and play doctor. Too bad for her, she has to work overtime.

Quote: Sugarcoat by NATTY.

Every time I wake up I'm surprised by how much support I'm getting, it's crazy 😭❤

This and/or next chapter(s? Depends on pacing) will not be focused on the main plot, rather, it'll build upon relationships with all characters. There won't be any more recaps from here on out.


December 25, 2017. 4:57 AM.

It was still dark out, and the end of night was near. The sky was sprinkled with clouds and stars, the edge of the sky a light greenish color due to the rising sun.

I feel my eyes closing themselves, but I snap my head out of my drowsiness as I continue healing the last few sorcerers. Me and Shoko decided to help those with the most serious wounds when the night was young, so now that it's the next day, the only people left are those with less serious injuries.

I told Shoko to rest up for a bit while I took care of the last few, and though she denied at first, she folded after a few more minutes of insisting.

'Just three more. Ugh, their injuries aren't even serious, just deal with it you fucking-'

A sorcerer walked up to me, interrupting my thoughts, "excuse me, (L/N)?"

"Yes?" I displayed a smile towards the sorcerer despite my exhaustion.

"There's a guy at the entrance asking for you. He said his name is Fushiguro."

I tensed up at that, 'how the- wait why is he even here? And shit, he used his last name.'

I made contact with another injured person who was asleep, "I'll be there just a moment. If you can, please send him in."

"Alright," the sorcerer left, Toji entering a moment after. He had a drink in his left hand and a bag in the other. After I finished with the sleeping sorcerer, I got up to face Toji.

"How did you find me? And what's that?" The smell of fresh food invaded my senses, making my stomach growl quietly.

'I'm praying he didn't hear that.'

"You left your location on, and this is for you. You didn't come back, so I figured those assholes were working you to the bone. Turns out I was right," he handed the bag and drink to me, grabbing two random seats and sitting on one.

"Alright, uh, let me finish with the last two and I'll be right with you," I placed the bag and drink down on the seat I was expected to sit on and jogged towards the last two sorcerers.

I pulled the same thing I did last night, except I told them to close their eyes before so it wouldn't be awkward.

After they gave their thanks, I escorted them out then headed straight towards my seat. I grabbed my stuff and sat down, letting out the loudest sigh of relief.

"This shit was crazy. Fighting is way easier to be honest," I took the warm food from the bag, opening the container as a grateful smile made its way to my face. I grabbed the fork provided in the bag to finally start eating.

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