Ch. 20 - "Pourquoi tu Fais Pas Comme J't'ai Dit?"

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Quote: Ich Liebe Dich by Shay.



I shot the head off of a humanoid curse in front of me with a grunt as I ran through the long halls of the large factory, my shoes clicking against the thin metal floors with each step. I heard more footsteps and groans coming from behind me, but I didn't bother to look.

"Shit, where is the curse I'm supposed to kill?" I mumbled under my breath as I looked around, looking for anything that stands out.

"I probably have to kill them," I adruptly stopped running after forming a sword from my hand. I learned a more convenient way to get a weapon. I can form a full weapon from my palm, but it cannot be detached because it is a part of me. It's a lot easier to maneuver than a fucking sword arm.

Soon the group of cursed spirits caught up to me, reaching to attack me. I quickly severed and shredded any limbs that reached towards me, jumping back to create a little space between us.

"Too slow," I taunted before getting low, maneuvering myself all the way to the other side in a matter of a second. I stood up, turning around to stare at all the curses who got their legs severed. Purple blood covered my form here and there,

They crawled towards me pitifully, making me scoff, turning my sword into a gun.

"Might as well have just stood there and died."

I shot every curse but one, continuing my way forward. I stomped on it's head as I walked, not paying it any mind. "Come out, or are you scared? You can't hide forever," I felt the purple blood disappear off of me as I moved forward.

'I'm seriously going to fucking destroy this place if it doesn't co-'

I felt the curse behind me in the matter of seconds, making me jump forward to create space. I felt a sly, carefree smile form on my lips, "what, y'shy? Warn me next time."

'So that's how it got the drop on multiple sorcerers already. I need to find them to confirm if they're dead.'

It was an emergency, I was sent on the mission because various sorcerers were confirmed missing for multiple days after being sent on the mission. I was the quote unquote perfect person for the mission, probably because I can fight and heal. Whoever assigned me on the mission most likely thought I could kill the curse and save people on the job.

'They better send Satoru if I'm next,' I huffed out a laugh as I sent a bullet straight to the arachnid-like cursed spirit. Makes sense that one exists, lots of people are scared of spiders.

It dodged the bullet, which made me shoot again. Rinse and repeat, it kept on dodging. This caused my eyebrow to twitch in irritation and my smile to drop, "dude, stay still. I can't really kill you if you move around, dumbass."

This seemed to anger the cursed spirit because it came running at me, groaning and yelling in an ineligible manner. I dodged to the side, not wanted to get caught up in its rampage.

"Geez, you have anger issues. Might want to get that checked out," the last part came out more forcefully with a grunt, I sent a kick towards it's face when it ran to me again. It's mouth caught my blade-like leg and I saw a drop of liquid, assumingly poison, try to penetrate the hard metal through its fangs. I felt a little sting but it didn't work immediately, however, and a mocking grin grew on my face.

"Shouldn't have done that, don't you know steel types can't get poisoned?" I used it's grip on my blade to support me as I brought my other leg up to slice it's head clean off. It made my ass hit the ground, but I got up in a matter of seconds after. I wiped the poison off of my leg before I turned it back to normal.

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