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Ritwik , Rubel and Pihu are having a gala time in a cafeteria.
All are holding a cup of shake in their hands.
‘I mean wow! Ritz, she praised you personally?’ Pihu teases.
Ritwik  nods.
‘I think she is also in love with you,’ Rubel declares.
‘How could you say so?’ asks Pihu.
‘It is because she was also present there in the school in the same time when we went and left also in the same time with us,’ explains Rubel.
‘So what? It could be just a coincidenc,’ Pihu says nonchalantly.
‘No, Pihu...I mean she called Ritz personally and rectified his error and then today praised him personally. She is more inclined towards Ritz as compared to other students.’
‘Yeah, it’s because I have been with her more time. I mean I have been friends with her. That’s why,’ Ritwik  clears.
‘You guys accept it or not. But I do think that Erica Ma’am is in love with Pri.’
‘What rubbish! It’s nothing like that, okay,’ confirms Ritwik .
‘It is like that, dear. Just dwell on this matter deeply and then give your opinion,’ Rubel says.
‘I think we must return home now. It’s already 7 now,’ suggests Ritwik  to avoid the topic.
The three get up and leave the cafeteria.
The whole night Ritwik  repeatedly thinks about Rubel’s words and comes to the conclusion that RUBEL IS RIGHT. Emma also likes him but is unable to show it.
‘Now, I’ll have to take up the initials,’ he decides.
Suddenly, his phone’s notification beeps. He sees that a message has been sent in his school app. He opens it.
Dear Students,
It is to inform you all that we will be conducting a test series of all the subjects from next week onwards.
Subjective: 50 marks
Objective: 20 marks
Practical/Assignment: 30 marks
He doesn’t read the instructions further. An idea clicks his mind suddenly. He jumps out of his bed.
‘Yes, I got it. I know what to do next.’
He winks.
Result's Day
After the completion of the test series
‘So, are you all ready to know who has topped this semester?’ Mrs. Watson says.
‘We all know that Ritwik  Ganguly has topped as usual,’ says Pihu confidently.
Ritwik  uneasily smiles.
‘So this year the name of the topper is...’
‘Ritwik  Ganguly,’ all sing in a monotonous tone.
‘No...Brindha Roy has topped this semester.’
Brindha looks at Mrs. Watson, baffled. She adjusts her glasses and walks towards her teacher. Mrs. Watson gives her a medal and a report card.
‘May we have a huge round of applause for creating a history?’
All the students clap, still in a shock. Rubel and Pihu look at Ritwik ’s tearful eyes.
‘It’s...It’s okay, pal. Sometimes there is a need of change. Heroes have to lose the battle sometimes in order to rise steadily again. After all, failure is the stepping stone to success! And you’re born a genius. No worries. Next time you’ll score better,’ consoles Rubel.
‘No, I am happy for Brindha. That girl works so hard to garner good grades. She deserves it,’ Ritwik  says by forcing a fake smile on his face.
Ritwik  gets up and walks away.
‘Where did he go, Rubel?’ asks Mrs. Watson.
‘Dunno Ma’am.’
‘I’m just stunned by his marks in Mathematics. Anyway, I need to talk to him,’ she informs.
Pihu and Rubel look shockingly at each other.
‘Did she just say that Ritwik ’s Mathematics marks sucked?’ asks Rubel.
‘But he is an expert in that. How could that be  possible? No, no. I don’t believe this. Let me see where he has gone!’
Rubel gets up.
‘Ma’am, I need to go to the washroom.’
Mrs. Watson grants him the permission. Rubel walks towards the boy’s toilet.  He sees Ritwik  looking at himself in the mirror and crying continuously.
‘Hey, champ! Please don’t cry.’
On seeing Rubel, Ritwik  wipes his tears.
‘I’m not crying. I know that I am right. Everything is fair in love and war after all.’
‘Means? You know Watson Ma’am was saying that your Mathematics marks sucked?’
‘I know.’
‘How, Ritz? How? You’re an expert in that.’
‘I let it happen.’
‘Means?’ Rubel asks.
‘I deliberately didn’t write anything in the mathematics paper.’
Rubel looks ghastly at Ritwik .
‘What do you mean?’
‘Listen. I want to be with Emma...I mean Erica Ma’am, as much as possible. That’s why I deliberately didn’t write the answers despite of knowing. I planned of failing in Mathematics so that my parents grant me the permission of going to Erica Ma’am’s house everyday for tuitions,’ Ritwik  explains.
Rubel scratches his head due to the utter shock.
‘You’re fucking besotted by her. Get out of her, dammit. It’s not love. It’s an unhealthy obsession,’ Rubel advices.
‘I don’t know and I don’t care. Now, happy times!’
He smiles and walks away.
‘This is just crazy. It will demolish him completely. He is trying to fulfil that dream which was never his actually. No, being a friend I can’t sit like this. Erica Ma’am deserves to know about all these.’
‘May we know the reason, please?’ confronts Palash.
‘I was disturbed this time, Baba, due to the basketball match. And above all, I am finding maths  fiendishly difficult. It is impossible for me to do maths all by myself. I need somebody’s help.’
‘What kind of help?’ asks Palash.
‘Someone who could help in understanding the basics of the chapter. Actually I want to make my basics crystal clear. You also say that it is very important to be thorough with the basics. It will help in proceeding towards the difficult level.’
‘Yes. And who’s gonna do that?’
‘Erica Ma’am.’
‘Who’s that?’
‘Our new mathematics teacher at school. Her teaching method is just authentic. Even the worst of the worst could top if they learn maths from her.’
‘Sounds impressive! Fine then. If it does good to you, then you must go,’ Palash grants the permission.
Ritwik  is on cloud nine.

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