{6}- Reason & Caves | The Yellowstone Ruins

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Yellowstone Lake

"Mountain Time, 11:38. We have arrived." Schrödinger announced. "The lunch for today are the ones we packed in the morning, so let's eat while walking over."

We stopped at the West Thumb Geyser's parking lot. Once we all filed out of the car, Schrödinger continued to announce some additional info that most of us seems to have already known.

On the north side of the parking lot, in an area named Duck Lake, there lies a temporary fence with a restricted area sign on it. Local police have set up a sentry box nearby as well. As we walked up to them, Planck greeted them familiarly, and we crossed over to the inside of the barricades.

After we passed through, the long-drained lake bed of the Duck Lake came into view, with many vehicles operating in the quarry currently. 

"This looks more like a quarry than a lake..." Welt muttered before suddenly, Tesla let out a tiny 'eep!' before cowering behind Welt as if she had sensed some serious danger.

Is there something wrong, Gabriel? 

Well, I wouldn't exactly call it something wrong, but our new 'friend' will be a handful for dear Tesla back there...

What do you mean?!

You'll see soon enough. Ah, here she comes.

"Ugh, I'm really unlucky, aren't I? I just had to bump into her..."

Tesla's frightened whispers were beginning to scare Welt into confusion. At this time, an elevator ascended straight from the lake's pit, with several men in black suits acting as bodyguards while a girl with casual clothes and a blue ponytail stood out as someone with extraordinary status.

And Tesla was now frantically drawing circles on his back.

"Uh, Dr. Tesla? What's wrong?"

"Hi Nancy! Did you already finish shopping?" Planck greeted the woman while Welt and Tesla were whispering.

'Nancy' looked past Planck and Schrödinger, before landing her gaze on Einstein and co. 

"Are they all, your students?"

"Yeah, I guess so." Planck said as she winked at Welt.

"Eh, um, we're the researchers from Imperial Academy's Laboratory 42..." Welt spoke up in an attempt for an introduction, but he was quickly cut off.

"Imperial Academy?" Nancy replied. "London?"



A devious smile appeared on this Nancy's face.

Yeah, Welt, I think you oughta get out of the way...?

Nancy then began to approach Welt with her gaze fixated on the area behind him.

Oh, you're approaching me? Instead of running away, you're coming right to me?

Okay, Gabriel, what the f-

Nancy is now at the distance where if she moved any closer, Welt's nose and hers would touch.

"Should I... move aside?"

"Please do." Nancy's smile returned upon seeing Tesla's hair.

You heard the lady. Let's move ya over... here.

Using my telekinesis, I shifted Welt about 5 meters away in an instant, but everyone was too focused on Tesla and Nancy for them to notice. Speaking of them, Nancy began to sniff and take in Tesla's scent.

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