Saga Eins Act II Trailer

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From the depths of a mirage lies the world's truths, hidden from all yet visible to those that don't exist.

Between this world's reality and the imaginary, the link that persists between the two that should've been separate is a force that was spawned to devour other. Surprisingly enough, it wasn't done out of malice - just a fitting process of the natural order.

The tale was as old as time itself. In fact, no one knew what happened when the first branch grew. Perhaps only those who lay above, governing the Honkai's process itself, and the universal truth - could be consulted for such answers. Maybe nature's pioneer has already received his answer later on. 

The tree spawns and grows without limits - in fact, there were no limits. But through the various decay of its own self, the rotten fruits that plagued its arches were severed, pruned from existence as they fell, and accumulated into the sea that everyone fears and fascinates. The sea, born from vengeful desires, seeks to devour the tree, yet it fails to do so except being sucked up by the tree as life force as it dumps more 'trash' into its being. With no other choice but to accept it, eventually, the Sea grew and rose as a system capable of contending with its creator, and giving birth to its own lawmakers.

While they do not invade worlds, they welcome or plunder those that were rejected by the Tree, returning them to the cycle that the latter created.

And from there, the force known as the Honkai - is given a new meaning.


Manila, Phillippines

September, 1969  

In the base of the Wish and the 1st Herrscher, a line of cryopods that used to be empty has now been filled with various vessels of all shapes and sizes. Several doctors who shared their goal were working tirelessly to perform results to please their director, despite him not exactly seeking much out of them.

After all, nothing really is costly when you possess two Herrschers of Reason (technically).

"Have they given up yet?"

"I think so. Both sides backed down after some unknown discovery. Our hacking doesn't exactly go that deep."

"It's not like we're hacking Anti-Entropy's database. We practically have access thanks to Ada."

"Yeah, yeah... Finn, you did tell Ada to not tell Edison and the others about our existence, did you?"

"Of course. And she was very cooperative. Personally, I don't want a spear driven through my heart."

The boy clacked on his keyboards once again before handing a few relics to Finn. "Here. Welt and I did a little digging, and we found some more things similar to the Dead Sea Scrolls for you to decipher. I know you've been waiting a long time for something to come into your old expertise, so consider this a reward."

"Hah! You don't need to speak like a boss when you literally take us to the local bar to hang out every Sunday."

"Well, I have to keep up some kind of superiority in the atmosphere..."

As Finn left the room, Gabriel stood up and watched the scientists progress below his sanctum, monitoring the vitals of the clones he carefully prepared of himself. "Fenghuang Down research is almost complete. We've located Hua's original copy and analyzed its structure, so it's time to move onto the next step. Ritsu?"

"On board with that. So, now that Schicksal and AE have both given up on the Moon mission, what do you want to do?"

"Me? Hehehe...."

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