Chapter 28:

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My eyes went wide and my jaw dropped as we reached the very top of the hill.

There we stood at the edge of the hill, looking out into the dark blue sky. Everything looked perfectly ordinary, until your eyes glanced down, and that;s when you truly lost your mind. There stood endless rows and rows of men and women, lined perfectly in place shoulder by shoulder, their golden eyed gazes locked ahead of them. I saw out of the corner of my eye a smile tug at Harry's lips, but I couldn't bring myself to look away from the bottom of the hill.

"This," Harry motioned towards the bottom of the hill, "is my army."

"Army?" I choked out.

Harry nodded. "All of my Nephilim warriors stand side by side, ready for the battle that is to come. Each are under my total control and power, not able to move or think without my permission. Watch, darling." Harry stood straight up, eyeing them sternly before he spoke. "Salute!"

"Holy shit." I whispered as I watched each and every one of them throw their arms up to their forehead, holding still in a salute position. Harry smiled in triumphant as they stood their position, never leaving it. "When is the battle-"

"Harry!" A familiar deep voice boomed from the distance. My eyes shot up and focused on his beautiful blue eyes piercing into Harry all the way from the other hill far ahead from us. I felt as tears formed in my eyes and I raised my hand to my lips, covering my shock and surprise.

"Hello, Andrew. What a pleasant surprise." Harry shouted back, smiling.

"Where is she!?" Andy boomed, and I furrowed my brows in confusion. Was his sight really that bad? I could see him even from this distance, how could he-

"Tsk, I don't know Andrew." Harry simply shrugged. "Although I do remember seeing her run away after encountering your little cheating session with-"

"You knew I wasn't cheating!" Andy screamed. "You tricked Moraine!"

"All's fair in love and war." Harry said with a smug smile.

"Why can't Andy see me?" I asked Harry, anger boiling inside of me.

I'm a master with tricks. Harry's voice echoed in my head.

He's tricking him! He tricked me!

"Andy! Andy I'm right- Gah!"

I felt as my body went numb, and my knees buckled, sending me to the dirt floor at the edge of the hill. I tried my hardest to stand up, but my body was locked in place. A very fresh wave of numbness washed over me, and soon after

I could feel nothing at all. Tears streamed down my cheeks. "Andy! Andy!"

"Are you sure you want to encounter a battle with me?" Harry questioned.

"For my love, of course." Andy snarled.

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