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Han's eyelids start getting lighter as he opens his eyes blinking them multiple times so he can get better focus.

He sat up while scratching his eyes still feeling pain on his head from the side effects of the wine he drank last night with lee know.

He shot his eyes open... That right he was with lee know last night.

He looked around not familiar with the fancy bedroom.

a king-sized bed didn't fit with his taste cause he's not a fan of big spaces and what up with the chandelier and the red fancy sofa?

Did he get into a fantasy novel?

(Sorry, I have a kink for fantasy castle decor)

Minutes had passed And some dude he never saw before entered the room and approached him telling him to follow him calmly to the head office when the boss was waiting for his arrival.

Okay... Han started getting scared because OMG!!! he just figured out that he was kidnapped and now he was following this guy -whoever he is- to the head office boss.

While walking just behind that guy -who looks like a guard- Han looked around the house and was very familiar with it.

"This is the way to the room, now may you excuse me"

The guy bows to Han and runs away taking the stairs and heading to the first floor.

He faced the wooden doors and he swore if that guard was wearing an armor suit he'll believe he went to one of the fantasy novels he recently read online.

He walked into the room and recognized two people... First he recognized lee know with his faded blonde hair then second he recognized Bangchan who was sitting on one of the couches.

Bangchan(with a wide smile):“good morning Mr.Han...don't be afraid and come inside...    i won't hurt you...”

The boss tried to be the most sincere he could be and put on his most genuine smile because he doesn't want Han to feel uncomfortable.

Han walked towards Bangchan while his eyes were kept focused on lee know who he didn't eye contact him back.

Soon, Han was sitting beside Bangchan and then at the time he started talking.

Bangchan:“first, I deeply apologize for what you've been through, this situation is very important and I couldn't risk talking about it outside that is why I asked lee know to kidnap you...he didn't use force, didn't he?”

The younger shook his head refusing that idea and at that moment he looked at Minho who looked away when he got caught staring at him and that gives Han the meshievous idea.

Han:“from all the knowledge I know about kidnappers, you guys are the nicest ones and i was able to feel his soft arms holding me while I was dizzy from alcohol”

He said it dramatically while hugging himself pretending he was the mafia who kidnapped him in a sweet way by carrying him like a princess.

(COME ON...THAT KNUTS!!! I.N didn't let Changbin curry him like a princess despite the fact that he got shot on his thigh)

That made Minho blush and put Bangchan in an awkward situation.

Bangchan:“AnYwAy~ I need to speak to you about the last case your father used to work on before he died”

Okay...this is when things get serious.

Han went silent at the mention of his dad, he thought he buried that past long time ago but hearing it again... He wants to cry again right at this moment.

Han(shaky voice):“how would you know that...? even the media didn't know about my father's last case”

Bangchan:“first of all, I'm sincerely sorry for your loss and the second thing you need to know is that your father was working on that case with my dad who used to be a law firm CEO”

Han needs to hear that again because the first time wasn't enough and told Bangchan to repeat that for him once again.

Bangchan:“this is all I can tell you for now, and recently I found that your father had an errands that contains all the information secrets of that case and I want those papers”

Okay secrets errands, Han understands that the things his father used to work on is massive but the way Bangchan was asking for those secrets errands is a bit selfish.

Han:“Is the police involved in this?”

Bangchan:“unfortunately, NO! as you can see we are all mafia here so we don't trust the police force and the reason why I'm doing this is for revenge...don't you want those who killed your dad unmercifully to rot in hell?”

he would lie if he said he didn't think of revenge and hearing those words from him is all he needs to put his depression to an end.

Han:“the police didn't investigate again on his murder case and I was abandoned by my own mother and all I had left is the truth of him being loyal to his country...so can I really trust you in this and have my revenge on them?”

Bangchan didn't say anything and just went to him and gave him a hug and that's what Han ever needed all these years.

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