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I walked towards the elevator fast. Or as fast as I could. My foot was still throbbing in pain, and I was wearing heels. I was mad an refused to talk or even look at Nicholas. Which was easy becaus it was not like he was trying to talk to me. But I could feel his gaz on me at times.
The ride down to the underground parking felt like forever in this silence. I could feel Nicholas’s gaze burning into the side of my head but I held my ground and kept staring at the closed elevator doors with a slight frown. He was being ridiculous even after I hac explained myself.
I stepped out as soon as the doors opened, making my way toward the SUV.

The car ride was silent. No one was making any conversation and the only sounds were coming from the radio, playing softly in the background. I rested my head against the window, sighing as I looked out, and carefully tried to move my foot a little to ease the pain. It wasn’t much of a help and only seemed to make it a bit worse.

A sound disturbed my thoughts and I saw a tinted window rolling up to give us privacy from the front.
“What’s wrong with your foot?” Nicholas broke the silence. I ignored him and resumed looking out of the window.
“Hmm, I don’t know. Why don’t you jump to a conclusion?”
“Let me see.”
“Nothing’s wrong with it. It’s fine.” I snapped. I closed my eyes to not let my frustration control me.
“Why don’t you trust me?” I asked after a while.
“I do.”
“No, you don’t.” I turned to face him. I haven’t taken a look at him at all since he slammed the bathroom door in my face. And he was sitting right there, looking all sexy in his black three-piece suit.
Damn him for looking this good.
“You sent him to our room to keep an eye on me, which means you trust him enough to do his job.” I continued.
“It’s not like that.”
“Please, do enlighten me then.” I feigned a sweet smile.
“I don’t like you close to other men.”
“They work for you! Should I not get to know them if I decide to stay around?” I furrowed my brows at him.
“It’s not my responsibility to fix your insecurities. Either you trust me, or you don’t.” I simply told him. There was no reason to continue whatever we had going if he didn’t trust me.
Nicholas looked amused.
“What’s so funny?” I gaped, offended.
“How am I being funny right now?”
“You’re cute when you’re mad.” I blinked, not knowing if he was being for real or not.
He moved me closer to him, his face coming closer to mine.
“You were so scared of me the first time we met… And now, you’re sitting here, calling my ass insecure.” He was entertained by it and I couldn’t help but smile at his comment.

I have become a lot more comfortable around. He could still be very intimidating sometimes at times but he was also protective of me, and I actually liked it.
I was far more relaxed around him now that I knew he wouldn’t hurt me.

“The way you screamed in fear that day… Now, I’m making you scream for other reasons.” Nicholas’s voice went low which had my breath quicken. My cheeks started to flush at the way he was looking at me. It sent a steady pulse between my legs, having me squeeze my thighs together. He smirked as it didn’t go unnoticed by him.

“You owe me an apology.” I whispered, leaning closer to his face, our lips almost touching.
“And how would you like your apology?” I almost moaned when he pulled my lip between his teeth, tugging a bit before letting go.
“I might have something in mind…” I breathed out. I pushed him back in the seat, swinging my left leg over his lap to straddle him. His hands immediately went to hold my hips, but I stopped him, taking his wrists in my hands, and pushed them aside.
“No touching.” He raised a brow at me, and I just gave him a flirtatious look. His eyes snapped down to look when I wet my lip. My hands went to his shoulders and slowly made their way down his chest, and down to feel his rock-hard stomach. I let out a small moan when touched the hard bulge and started to stroke him outside his pants.

Nicholas moved his hands once again to touch me but I moved them away as I positioned myself right on top of him. He let out a grunt when I started to move my hips, grinding him slowly all while I made sure he wouldn’t be able to touch me.
I moved away a little to unbutton his pants and I took hold of his hard length. I started to stroke him, making him close his eyes for a bit before opening them as he made low sounds of pleasure. I kept my eyes on him, never looking away as I leaned in to kiss him.
Only to stop at the very last second.

“Oh, looks like we’re here.” I said and quickly rolled back to my side, opened the car door, and stepped out. I closed the door behind me just as Logan and Antonio also stepped out.





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