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The sound of my stomach rumbling woke me up, reminding me just how hungry I actually was. I looked next to me on the bed but was met with an empty space.

“Nicholas?” I called out after him but got no response. I called again and listened for any movement in the house, but it was as quiet as it could be.

Weird. Where did he go?

I turned on the lamp on the nightstand next to me, seeing a small note attached to it.

Come and find me.
– The Devil.

I found myself smiling at the note. Looked like someone was in a playful mood tonight. . I looked at the time, seeing I had been asleep for a good two hours. I scrunched up my face when I realized I had been sleeping for a long time and he definitely got bored. I was still naked, having me wonder if I fell asleep in the hot tub. It was too relaxing and I couldn’t help but slowly doze off.

I got up from the bed and towards the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and fixed my hair with my hands.

Getting back to the bedroom, I went to the walk-in closet to find something to wear. I found another note attached to a hanger where an outfit already was ready for me. I looked at the note, finding it funny this was the way he decided to communicate.

I want to see you in this, my love.
-Your Villain.

Even when he wasn’t around he could make me smile like a big goof and have my body flutter with just written words. I got dressed in the outfit he picked for me and took a look in the mirror. It was a red, two-piece outfit with a mesh mini skirt and an off-shoulder crop top with ruffled sleeves with a lace- up in the front. Of course, he would pick this color. He liked red on me and it did give the outfit both a sexy and cute look at the same time.

I bet the only reason he wanted me to wear this was that we were alone.

I made my way downstairs to the dimly lit living room but still no sign of Nicholas, Where in the world did he go? I went to the front door and I found another note.

Good girl. Now, follow the path.

Oh, damn… Even in writing the good girl part had me slightly blushing. Wait a minute… Was this another test to see if I  could follow orders?

“I will bite your dick if this is a test.” I called out if he was somewhere, hiding to see if I truly followed his order. But it was still quiet. No movements could be heard, meaning he wasn’t inside the house. Or maybe he was? Even though he was huge with an impressive build, he was somehow light on his feet. I decided he wasn’t inside the house and opened the door to follow the path.

The night weather was at a comfortable temperature. It wasn’ t too hot nor was it cold. It was just perfect. I continued to follow the dirt path, looking around to admire nature during the quiet nighttime. Luckily, it wasn’t too dark as there had been placed lights on the ground along the path. The path soon turned into a hill and I groaned as my legs were a bit sore from my run earlier.

“Is this his way of telling me I need to lose weight by making me run and climb freaking hills today?” I groaned to myself but stopped when I found a single rose in the middle of the path. I picked it up as there was yet another note attached to it.

You’re almost there, amore mio.
– Nicholas

My heart warmed at the sight of rose petals that now covered the entire path. The lights on either side of the path and the rose petals on the ground had me smiling big and curious about what was awaiting me.

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