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“Watching you suffer like this is making me wonder if it’s really worth it to be pregnant.” Tessa said. She was sitting on the couch in front of me while I carefully sipped my water to rehydrate. I was sweating my tits off as I fought off the food poisoning.

Thankfully, it wasn’t anything critical. We were able to leave once the doctor had explained what I should be careful with and I should make sure to drink lots of water since I had  thrown up so much and sweating like crazy.

Tessa  came to check up on me when we came back since Dante  had left in a hurry, leaving her confused and worried for me. I had seen a different side of Dante  tonight. I had witnessed him actually being worried about me. And once he saw my tiny fetus on the screen, I saw him visibly relax too. It made me feel emotional to see how they all were so caring and happy about my pregnancy.

“One look at this, and it’s making me forget about everything else.” I handed her the ultrasound picture and rested my head on Nicholas’s shoulder as I rubbed my stomach, which was still cramping but not as much as before.

“Funny how it’s the size of a pea and it can make you feel like that.” Tessa  smiled at the picture, making me look at her with a straight face.

“Yes, so funny. I’m laughing so hard right now.” I said  sarcastically. Dante took the picture out of her hand to take a closer look at it. I looked back and forth between them before smirking a little.

“Hey, Dante .” He looked up at me and I let out a grin.

“Keep your aim sharp. My baby is going to need a BFF soon.” I winked and he gave me a half-smirk before turning to look at Tessa, who slowly looked up at him with a blank look.


“It’s going to happen.” Tessa  kept looking at her with a playful expression.

“Do you want me to suffer like this?” She pointed at me with her brow raised.

“I have food poisoning.” I pointed out.

“Which you wouldn’t have gotten. But since your immune system is weak due to the pregnancy, you did! I can only think of downsides; you get nausea, you throw up, you get back pains…” She kept on with her list, making me glare at her.

“You are being a real fucking delight right now.”

“…And don’t get me started when you have to give birth.” She ignored me as she continued with her arguments.

“I saw a birthing video once, and it ain’t pretty. I am traumatized for life.”

“Why?” I asked. She moved to the edge of the couch to explain, looking all serious.

“You’re pushing a whole freaking human out of you. And not only that, your vagina gets all teared up and your butthole explodes.” I blinked at her a few times before sitting up straight.

“I’m sorry, what?” I shook my head a little in confusion, hoping I heard wrong.

“Yup. It gets all fucked up and they have to stitch your vagina and your butthole.” I dropped my jaw open and she gave me an ‘mhmm’ as she leaned back on the couch.

I turned to look at Nicholas  with a terrified look on my face.

“What have you done to me?” It came out in a scared whisper, and for once, I think he was lost for words by what he heard.

“I’m sure she’s exaggerating.” He gave her a cold glare but she shook her head.

“I’m not! I will even send you the video so you can see it for yourself.”

HIS CLAIM Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora